NUR 544 Enthusiastic Study/
For more classes visit Select an aggregate with a health concern that interests you. This population may be from infants to elderly. You will use this aggregate throughout the class as a basis for your Community Health Advocacy Project due Week Six. Think of some questions you would like to find answers to regarding your aggregate.
NUR 544 Enthusiastic Study/ NUR 544 Week 1 Individual Assignment Population-Focused Health Care Terms Worksheet For more classes visit Complete the Community and Public Health Terms Worksheet. Submit the assignment as directed by the instructor. Assignment Grading Criteria
NUR 544 Enthusiastic Study/ NUR 544 Week 2 Individual Assignment Community Health Advocacy Project - Part Two For more classes visit Describe characteristics of the aggregate you chose in Week One. Include the following criteria: Definitions of community and aggregate with support from the literature
NUR 544 Enthusiastic Study/ NUR 544 Week 3 Individual Assignment Community Health Advocacy Project - Part Three For more classes visit The levels of prevention in epidemiology help provide a framework for health professionals to intervene and prevent disease, injury, or disability. Write a short description of the three levels of prevention. Apply the three levels of prevention to your aggregate’s health concern.
NUR 544 Enthusiastic Study/ NUR 544 Week 4 Individual Assignment Community Health Advocacy Project - Part Four For more classes visit Design a data collection tool that can be used with your aggregate population. Make sure the tool contains the following: Demographics—name, birth date, ethnicity, sex, education level, and so forth The questions that you came up with in Part One and any others that you feel would apply
NUR 544 Enthusiastic Study/ NUR 544 Week 5 Individual Assignment Community Health Advocacy Project - Part Five For more classes visit Formulate two outcome goals that are specific to your aggregate. Base your outcome goals on the data you collected in previous weeks. Each outcome goal must include an action verb, the result you expect, the target, and the time frame.
NUR 544 Enthusiastic Study/ NUR 544 Week 5 Learning Team Assignment Community Conceptual Model For more classes visit Write a 750- to 1,200-word paper introducing a conceptual model of your choice. Suggested models include: Web of causation
NUR 544 Enthusiastic Study/ NUR 544 Week 6 Individual Assignment Community Health Advocacy Project Part Six For more classes visit Write a 750- to 1,200-word paper introducing a conceptual model of your choice. Suggested models include: Web of causation Social ecology model
NUR 544 Enthusiastic Study/