Male Organ Protection for the Occasional Bareness
Although some 54 million Americans have swum bare with other people, naturism is still not considered a mainstream idea. People who are committed naturists are very much in the minority. But there’s reason to believe that there are quite a few more people who have something of an interest in being a naturist, at least on occasion. For example, one poll found that 15% of Americans were open to considering naturist-based activities or resorts when planning holidays. When a man is an “occasional” naturist of this sort, what does he need to know about his male organ health? Does he need to take any male organ protection steps? Yes, it’s a good idea to be prepared. And the following are some things to consider.
Start slowly in the sun. If one’s naturist experience includes a beach or another area in which there is strong direct sunlight, be sure not to overdo things. It goes without saying that using a good, strong sunscreen is necessary; however, sunscreen can wash off, so it needs to be reapplied. Even when sunscreen is used conscientiously, delicate manhood skin which is unused to direct sunlight can get damaged. So for proper male organ protection, approach things slowly. If the beach is clothing optional, wear a swimsuit on every so often, especially when the sun is at its strongest. If clothing is not allowed, wrap a towel around the midsection, or lie on one’s stomach.
Look out for poison ivy. When camping or hiking in the buff – or even just when being anywhere that has a lot of plant life – be on the lookout for poison ivy, oak, and sumac – and know how to recognize them. The last thing a man wants to do is find his member and sacks slapping against a patch of poison ivy. The itching and rashing that can result can be a nightmare. It’s also important to remember that oils from the plant that causes the rash can be transmitted from one person to another – so avoid touching another person who has come in contact with the plant as well.
Rinse after skinny dipping in the ocean. It can feel great to swim unclothed in the ocean, letting the waves pour over one’s body. But as refreshing and invigorating as it can be, spending too much time in salty water can really dry out sensitive manhood skin. After spending time in the ocean, take a moment to rinse off excess salt from the member. Expect insects. With no clothing barriers, it’s easier for insects to make their presence felt on the member. And delicate male organ skin is not made for the harsh chemicals in many insect repellants. So practice better male organ protection by inspecting the member and sacks for mosquito bites, ticks, and other unwanted visitors. Be especially careful where ticks are concerned, as there are numerous tick borne diseases (such as Lyme disease) that a guy doesn’t want to deal with.
If a man engages in good male organ protection practices, he can more fully enjoy the naturist experience without worry. His mind will also rest easier if he is already taking steps to ensure male organ health, such as regularly using a superior male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Ideally, the crème will have a wide array of vitamins, such as A, B5, C, D, and E, to help “cover the bases” when it comes to vitamin-based health. It also helps if the crème contains an amino acid known as L-arginine. This ingredient helps the body produce nitric oxide, and that in turn helps keep male organ blood vessels open and flowing when increased blood is needed.male organ health crème