Self-Gratification Pros and Cons: Health Benefits vs. Risks


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Presentation transcript:

Self-Gratification Pros and Cons: Health Benefits vs. Risks

It seems only yesterday that self-gratification was either talked about only in secret or was considered the butt of a joke. Once considered taboo, there were several myths and old wives’ tale about self-pleasure that proclaimed that self-gratification could make someone go blind, lose their fertility, or grow hairy palms. Let's take away the myth and shame and get down to what self- gratification is, what the benefits are, what to watch out for, and how to keep the member is in good shape.

What is Self-gratification? Self-gratification is a healthy practice in which a person intimately touches their own genitals for pleasure. People self-pleasure for many different reasons, for everything from relaxation to learning about their own bodies. It’s an entirely healthy and normal practice for males and females alike.

Pros of Self-gratification There are several pros to engaging in self-gratification. Here is a list of the five most common benefits of self-gratification. 1) Release Sensual Tension. The most obvious benefit is to release sensual tension. This can happen anywhere between two people, and if not remedied, can result in paralyzing anxiety and performance fails. Remember that quip in There’s Something About Mary, when Chris Elliot advises Ben Stiller not to go on his date "with a loaded gun," and encourages him to take care of himself first? This is what he was talking about.

2) Reduces Stress. Self-gratification has been shown to lower blood pressure and release dopamine into the system, creating a relaxed mood. 3) Improves Sleep. Many men self-pleasure before bed to get quality shut-eye. Research shows that coming releases a slew of sleep-friendly brain chemicals into the system, most notably norepinephrine, serotonin, oxytocin, vasopressin, nitric oxide and the hormone prolactin. These all cause the body to relax and make the person feel safe; and they also trigger the release of melatonin, the primary hormone that regulates sleep. 4) Improves Body Awareness and Self-Esteem. Self-gratification has also been shown to help people be more in touch with and feel better about their bodies, promote intimacy, and improve communication regarding likes, desires, and dislikes with a partner.

Cons of Self-gratification While self-gratification is a healthy, positive practice, too much can cause a lot of trouble in a man’s life. Here are a few of the most common drawbacks. 1) Disrupting Daily Life. When self-gratification is a man’s sole focus, he may do irreparable damage his daily life. Missing work, avoiding social events, and using it as a way to avoid relationships are just a few of the ways a man who is stroking excessively will interrupt his life. 2) Chafing. Too much of a good thing is just too much! Even with lubricant, overworking the manhood can cause irritation and chafing, making any contact quite painful.

3) Loss of Sensitivity. As a man’s self-gratification frequency increases, he often has to raise the intensity in order to come. This often results in “death grip,” which is where a man grips the member so tightly that it becomes desensitized. Not only is it an ever-growing problem, but intimacy with a partner becomes less pleasurable and often, even initial arousal is difficult. 4) Feelings of Guilt or Shame. Whether it's due to religion, upbringing, trauma or abuse, or from a partner, some men feel guilty or ashamed of self-gratification. A man who feels this way may want to see a therapist to work through these feelings to enjoy a healthy relationship with self- pleasure.

Self-gratification and Male organ health Self-gratification is a healthy activity that not only feels good but also strengthens and tones the body. Also, men who come regularly have been shown to have lesser instances of prostate cancer. Regular self- pleasure can also enhance intimate relationships with partners. Men should be sure to properly care for their member after self- gratification. Clean with a mild soap, rise, and apply a moisturizer. Men should use a specially designed male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) to keep the member soft, smooth, and ready for action. Look for a crème packed with vitamins A, C, D, and E, which are well-known for their skin-soothing and strengthening properties. Be sure to select a crème that also has a natural base like Shea butter which locks in moisture and keeps it from dryness.male organ health creme