Detecting Roof Leaks: Fixing it Yourself Vs Hiring a Professional BY: ACCENT ROOFING & CONSTRUCTION Accent Roofing & Construction1
What exactly causes leaks? Roof penetrations are the biggest source of leaks. Water stains, mold, and black marks in the plumbing, roof vents, chimneys or dormers in the roof can cause a leak. Normal wear and tear, eroded brick chimneys, missing shingles, vent boots between the roof and the piping, roof holes, outdated architecture, clogged gutters, and frozen nails in the attic can all cause roof leaks.roof Accent Roofing & Construction2
When is it possible to fix leaks yourself? Any leak that is caused by deterioration, erosion, or any kind of break down due to wear and tear can usually be fixed on your own. The roof leaks that require a professional are often the ones that require multiple repairs.roof leaks Small leaks are usually solved by making repairs yourself. Accent Roofing & Construction3
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