Reproductive Function and Caffeine: Good or Bad for Bedroom Performance?


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Presentation transcript:

Reproductive Function and Caffeine: Good or Bad for Bedroom Performance?

One of the more positive developments of the last few decades has been the increased focus on staying healthy. People may not take advantage of all the advice and information available, but there is a lot out there for those who care to investigate health options – and that includes male organ health options, too. Many articles emphasize the role that diet can play in health, and often caffeine is mentioned in this context. So that poses the question, does caffeine have a role to play in reproductive function? And if so, what is it? The answer is: it’s not clear yet.

The case against For quite some time, it was assumed that caffeine actually has a negative association with male organ health; specifically, it was thought to be associated with an increase in the likelihood of reproductive dysfunction. However, the basis for this appears to be less due to results from clinical trials specifically investigating the issue and instead on general studies about the effects caffeine has on other parts of the body. Caffeine is known to be a vasoconstrictor; this means that it narrows blood vessels, which is something that can indeed create performance issues. However, it’s also thought that continued use of caffeine eventually creates the opposite effect – it helps open up blood vessels over time.

So, it’s more likely that caffeine can have a more indirect impact on reproductive function. For example, caffeine can make a man feel jittery or can impede good sleeping patterns, both of which can contribute to performance problems. There have been some isolated reports that excess caffeine consumption can lead to early on emission, but these are anecdotal in nature. It’s likely there are other factors in many of these cases that account for the subject being quick on the trigger.

The case for Recent studies have painted a more favorable picture of the role caffeine may play in male organ health. A recent study published in PLOS One Journal, “Role of Caffeine Intake on [Reproductive] Dysfunction in US Men: Results from NHANES ” paints a much more positive picture.

According to the study, 18.4% of US men age 20 and up experience male dysfunction, with the percentage steadily increasing as men age. Researchers looked at data for 3724 men aged 20 or older. They looked at whether they had reported experiencing dysfunction and then at numerous other factors, including amount of caffeine intake via coffee consumption. After factoring out the influence that these other factors most likely had on reproductive function, the researchers concluded that men who drank 2 to 3 cups of coffee every day were much less likely to experience dysfunction than men who did not drink coffee. The reduction applied both to healthy men and to men who were overweight or had high blood pressure; however, it did not make a difference among men with diabetes.

The scientists theorize that the eventual ability of caffeine to open male organ blood vessels is responsible for the result. Coffee was chosen as the caffeinated beverage of choice because power drinks and caffeinated soft drinks tend to contain other ingredients (such as sugar) which may diminish the potential effects of the caffeine. So, while the definitive results are still out, there does seem to be some evidence that moderate coffee drinking may be beneficial to male organ health. (As always, check with a doctor before suddenly making a change to the diet.)

Control of caffeine is not the only consideration in maintaining male organ health. Men also need to daily apply a top ranked male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). The best crème will contain both L-arginine and L-carnitine. The former helps boost nitric oxide production and thereby keep blood vessels open wider. The latter protects against damage from rough handling that can lead to loss of sensitivity.male organ health creme