Seven Dry Male Organ Skin Hacks to Try


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Presentation transcript:

Seven Dry Male Organ Skin Hacks to Try

Lifestyle hacks have become ubiquitous in our modern world, and often they focus on male organ health issues. And why not? Men need good advice and strategies on keeping this very important body part in good operating condition. One of the issues many men face concerns dry male organ skin, which can be both itchy and unattractive. With that in mind, this article offers a few hacks designed to address this too-common condition.

It happens That men sometimes get dry male organ skin is not really surprising. Dry skin can occur on any part of the body, after all. And since male organ skin is especially delicate, it’s more susceptible to those factors which can cause dry skin. For example, excess sweat can often cause skin to dry out. This may seem paradoxical or counterintuitive, but when a person sweats, oils which help keep the skin moisturized are depleted. So what are some simple hacks to remember to fight dry male organ skin?

Stay out of hot water. A nice hot shower is supposed to be really good for a person, especially when their muscles are sore and achy. But when shower water is too hot, it can damage the skin. So if a guy takes a long shower with water that is too hot, those oils that the male organ skin need can be decreased. This can also happen when spending too much time in a hot tub. Be sure to moisturize the member after either of these situations. Also avoid hard water. Hard water is water that contains a high concentration of minerals like zinc and magnesium. Minerals are good, but often they are in such high quantities in hard water that they can plug glands and pores, contributing to dry male organ skin. Using cremes with vitamins A and C can help remove the excess minerals and help prevent dry skin damage.

Keep the soap mild. Many soaps contain extra chemicals or fragrances which sound good on paper but which can actively dry out male organ skin. If a guy needs to use a strong deodorant soap for his pits, he should still keep on hand a milder soap for his manhood. Find a good humidity level. Too much humidity creates excess seat, which can deplete the body of oils. But air that is too dry can evaporate moisture from the skin. Often in summer, air conditioning can dry the air out a little too much – so be aware of this possibility and watch the temperature settings.

Swim in moderation. Swimming is great exercise, but prolonged time in either a chlorinated swimming pool or the salty ocean water can lead to substantial dry male organ skin issues. Try to spend only a moderate amount of time in the water. Those who prefer to extend their time should be prepared to moisturize afterward. Control blood sugar. People with diabetes are prone to dry skin, including on the manhood, due to high blood sugar levels. Working to control and maintain blood sugar levels is important – and not just for the sake of one’s male organ skin.

Use a male organ health creme. One of the best hacks for battling dry male organ skin is the daily application of a top notch male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). All cremes are not created equal, so definitely look for a crème that lists both a high end emollient (such as shea butter) and a natural hydrating agent (such as vitamin E). As mentioned above, vitamins A and C can be useful in combatting problems caused by hard water, and a good male organ health crème should incorporate both of these vitamins. Finally, one with alpha lipoic acid helps protect against oxidative stress that can contribute to dry male organ skin.male organ health creme