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Meaning Motherboard is the most important part of the laptop and computers. The other hardware components connect and communicate with each other through motherboard. When it comes to PC Repair, motherboard dying are most dreaded repairs. As it is most expensive component in PC hardware and motherboard dying means you have to replace RAM and processor with it.
Symptoms Motherboard doesn’t recognize plugged in Peripheral will stop working Booting process is slowing down also indicates that motherboard is not in a good condition. Strange lines are appearing on Monitor, and computer is not accepting Flash drives. You can notice a burning smell anywhere on motherboard itself. Motherboard doesn’t pass POST test. Leaking Capacitors.
Troubleshoot Motherboard troubleshoot is done in 2 ways: 1. motherboard Passed the POST test. Check the Harddrive Blue Screen and instability in Video. Check the RAM is working or not. Check the Processor, in rare cases it can causes system instability. 2. motherboard didn’t passed the POST test. In this case, we can be sure that motherboard is actually Failing.
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