CJA 475 Education for Service-- snaptutorial.com.


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Presentation transcript:

CJA 475 Education for Service-- snaptutorial.com

CJA 475 Week 1 Scanning and Assessment of Baylor Scott and White Department of Public Safety For more classes visit CJA 475 Week 1 Scanning and Assessment of Baylor Scott and White Department of Public Safety

CJA 475 Education for Service-- snaptutorial.com CJA 475 Week 2 Team Action Plan Outline Presentation For more classes visit CJA 475 Week 2 Team Action Plan Outline Presentation

CJA 475 Education for Service-- snaptutorial.com CJA 475 Week 3 Strategic Plan (Evaluation of the Scottsdale Police department) For more classes visit CJA 475 Week 3 Strategic Plan (Evaluation of the Scottsdale Police department)

CJA 475 Education for Service-- snaptutorial.com CJA 475 Week 3 Team Strategic Plan Development (Kelsey Police Department) For more classes visit CJA 475 Week 3 Team Strategic Plan Development (Kelsey Police Department)

CJA 475 Education for Service-- snaptutorial.com CJA 475 Week 4 Communicating the Strategic Plan Proposed by Team for the City of Kelsey For more classes visit CJA 475 Week 4 Communicating the Strategic Plan Proposed by Team for the City of Kelsey

CJA 475 Education for Service-- snaptutorial.com CJA 475 Week 4 Team Strategic Plan Presentation (Kelsey Police Department) For more classes visit CJA 475 Week 4 Team Strategic Plan Presentation (Kelsey Police Department)

CJA 475 Education for Service-- snaptutorial.com CJA 475 Week 5 Strategic Plan Outcome Measurement Strategy Presentation (Kelsey Police Department) For more classes visit CJA 475 Week 4 Team Strategic Plan Presentation (Kelsey Police Department)

CJA 475 Education for Service-- snaptutorial.com CJA 475 Week 5 Strategic Plan Process Outcome Model (Kelsey Police Department) For more classes visit CJA 475 Week 5 Strategic Plan Process Outcome Model (Kelsey Police Department)

CJA 475 Education for Service-- snaptutorial.com