ECET 345 Education for Service--
ECET 345 Week 1 Homework For more classes visit ECET 345 Week 1 Homework 1.Express the following numbers in Cartesian (rectangular) form. 2.Express the following numbers in polar form. Describe the quadrant of the complex plane, in which the complex number is located. 3.(a) A continuous-time sine wave has a frequency of 60 Hz, an amplitude of 117 V, and an initial phase of π/4 radians. Describe this signal in a mathematical form using the Sin function. 4. A sinusoidal signal described by 50 Cos (20πt + π/4) passes through a linear time invariant (LTI) system that applies a gain of 1.5 and a phase lag of π/2 radians to the signal. Write the mathematical expression that describes the signal
ECET 345 Education for Service- ECET 345 Week 1 iLab Observation of Wave-Shapes and Their Spectrum For more classes visit Objective of the lab experiment: The objective of this experiment is to observe the shapes of different kinds of signals such as sine waves, square waves, and so on and to study how the shape of a signal alters its spectrum.
ECET 345 Education for Service- ECET 345 Week 1 iLab Signal Observation and Recreation For more classes visit Objective: Using Multisim, create virtual circuits and experimentally observe the closest equivalent of four key signals (impulse, sinusoidal, exponential, and square wave) on the oscilloscope.
ECET 345 Education for Service- ECET 345 Week 2 Homework For more classes visit ECET 345 Week 2 Homework 1.Redraw the following schematics with the impedance of each of the element shown in Laplace domain. Then determine the overall impedance of the entire circuit between the two ends of the shown circuit and express it in Laplace domain as a ratio of two polynomials in s, with the coefficients of the highest power if s in the numerator and denominator are made unity. (Follow the method outlined in the lecture to determine the impedances of elements in Laplace domain and then use the formulas for combining impedances in series and parallel.) 2. (a) Apply Laplace transform to the following differential equation and express it as an algebraic equation in s.
ECET 345 Education for Service- ECET 345 Week 2 iLab Response of RC circuits For more classes visit Objective of the lab experiment: The objective of this experiment is to experimentally measure the impulse and step response of an RC circuit and compare it to theoretical results using Laplace transform.
ECET 345 Education for Service- ECET 345 Week 2 Lab Response OfRc Circuits (100% Score) For more classes visit Objective of the lab experiment: The objective of this experiment is to experimentally measure the step response of an RC circuit and compare it to response prediced using MATLAB
ECET 345 Education for Service- ECET 345 Week 3 Homework For more classes visit ECET 345 Week 3 Homework The transfer function of a circuit is given by Express the transfer function in a form in which the coefficients of the highest power ofs are unity in both numerator and denominator. What is the characteristic equation of the system? (Hint: see this week’s lecture for a definition of characteristic equation.)
ECET 345 Education for Service- ECET 345 Week 3 Lab Transfer Function Analysis Of Continuous Systems For more classes visit ECET 345 Week 3 Lab Transfer Function Analysis of Continuous Systems Objective of the lab experiment:
ECET 345 Education for Service- ECET 345 Week 4 Homework For more classes visit ECET 345 Week 4 Homework 1. A shiny metal disk with a dark spot on it, as shown in figure below, is rotating clockwise at 100 revolutions/second in a dark room. A human observer uses a strobe that flashes 99 times/second to observe the spot on the metal disk (a strobe is a flashing light whose rate of flashing can be varied). The spot appears to the human observer as if it is rotating slowly 2. (a) A system samples a sinusoid of frequency 480 Hz at a rate of 100 Hz and writes the sampled signal to its output without further modification. Determine the frequency that the sampling system will generate in its output.
ECET 345 Education for Service- ECET 345 Week 4 iLab Part 1 RC Circuit Frequency Response For more classes visit Objective of the lab experiment: The objective of this experiment is to experimentally measure the frequency response of a simple RC circuit using Multisim and observe how changing R and C will affect the outcome.
ECET 345 Education for Service- ECET 345 Week 4 iLab Part 2 Experimental Observation of Aliasing For more classes visit Objective of the lab experiment: The objective of this experiment is to observe the effect of aliasing in a discrete sampling system and to measure how aliasing alters the frequency of an input signal that is beyond the Nyquist limit. This lab can also be used to quantitatively and qualitatively observe the effect of an antialiasing filter, even though we do not do so in this exercise.
ECET 345 Education for Service- ECET 345 Week 4 Lab Experimental Observation Of Aliasing (100% Score) For more classes visit ECET 345 Week 4 Lab Objective of the lab experiment: The objective of this experiment is to observe the effect of aliasing in a discrete sampling system and to measure how aliasing alters the frequency of an input signal that is beyond the Nyquist limit. This lab can also be used to quantitatively and qualitatively observe the effect of an antialiasing filter, even though we do not do so in this exercise.
ECET 345 Education for Service- ECET 345 Week 5 Homework For more classes visit 1.Using z-transform tables (page 776 of text or equivalent), find the z- transform of 2.Find the inverse z-transform, x(n), of the following functions by bringing them into a form such that you can look up the inverse z- transform from the tables. This will require some algebraic and /or trigonometric manipulation/calculation. You will also need a table of z- transforms (page 776 of text or equivalent). When computing t
ECET 345 Education for Service- ECET 345 Week 5 Ilab Convolution Of Signals Solution (100% Score) For more classes visit Objective of the lab experiment: The objective of this experiment is to demonstrate how the convolution is used to process signals entering a system. 1. Convolution in the time domain is equivalent to what mathematical operation in the frequency domain?
ECET 345 Education for Service- ECET 345 Week 5 iLab Convolution of Signals For more classes visit Objective of the lab experiment: The objective of this experiment is to demonstrate how the convolution is used to process signals entering a system
ECET 345 Education for Service- ECET 345 Week 6 Homework For more classes visit ECET 345 Week 6 Homework 1.Find the z-transform x(z) of x(n) =. Hint: Follow the method used in the lecture for Week 6. Also, when evaluating the numerical value of a trig function, keep in mind that the arguments of trig functions are always in radians and not in degrees.
ECET 345 Education for Service- ECET 345 Week 6 iLab Z-Domain Analysis of Discrete Systems For more classes visit Objective of the lab experiment: The objective of this experiment is to perform z domain analysis of discrete (sampled) signals and systems and extract useful information (such as impulse and step response, pole zero constellation, frequency response, etc.) from a z domain description of the system, such as its transfer function. We shall also study conversion of analog transfer functions (in s domain) into equivalent z domain transfer functions using bilinear transform.
ECET 345 Education for Service- ECET 345 Week 6 Lab Z-Domain Analysis Of Discrete Systems (100% Score) For more classes visit ECET 345 Week 6 Lab Z-Domain Analysis of Discrete Systems Objective of the lab experiment:
ECET 345 Education for Service- ECET 345 Week 7 Homework For more classes visit 1.A sine wave of 60 Hz, amplitude of 117 V, and initial phase of zero (or 117 sin(2π*60t) is full wave rectified and sampled at 2,048 samples per second after full wave rectification. Research the Fourier series for a full wave rectified sine wave (on the Internet or in circuit theory books, such as Linear Circuits by Ronald E. Scott) and write it below.
ECET 345 Education for Service- ECET 345 Week 7 ilab Fourier Analysis Of Time Domain Signals Solution (100% Score) For more classes visit Objective of the lab experiment: The objective of this experiment is to perform Fourier analysis to obtain frequency domain signature of signals and systems that are measured or whose characteristics are known in time domain. Towards this end, we shall learn how to use
ECET 345 Education for Service- ECET 345 Week 7 iLab Fourier Analysis of Time Domain Signals For more classes visit Objective of the lab experiment: The objective of this experiment is to perform Fourier analysis to obtain frequency domain signature of signals and systems that are measured or whose characteristics are known in time domain. Towards this end, we shall learn how to use
ECET 345 Education for Service--