Potassium Polyacrylate Potassium polyacrylate have powerful water absorbent ability and it is also known as super absorbent polymer. Potassium polyacrylate increase the soil's capacity when mixed with soil and it has capacity to release water to plants. It can turn water up to several hundred times of its own weight into the natural gel from within seconds.
Benefits of Potassium Polyacrylate Growing with a high yield of crop & fruiter Better seed germination & emergence Reduced irrigation frequency to survive water stress. Release the fertilizer efficiency slowly It adjust Stalinization & PH. A proper pH determines how efficiently the plants absorb nutrients
Absorbing water : Potassium polyacrylate composed of a set of polymeric chains, which are joined together to become a water- insoluble. Potassium polyacrylate granule to absorb over 100 times its original weight in purified water. Release water for plants : The potassium polyacrylate granules release the right amount of water to a plant’s root suction.
Continue… Improving soil Potassium polyacrylate reduces plant stress. It absorbs and releases soil nutrients, creating a healthy environment in the plant root The result is faster germination consistent growth and higher, better-quality yields with less water and fewer inputs.
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