If you want to start your diesel engine, then you will need a special heating component which is known as diesel glow plug.
Thus, the diesel engine unable to start, function and operate properly without taking the heat generated from the diesel glow plug.
In the cold temperature, the diesel glow plug placed within the internal combustion chamber to deliver the required heat to the engine.
If the diesel glow blog of your car is damaged, then it will produce the below-given symptoms in your car.
The damaged or worn out diesel glow plug of your car make the engine very difficult to start up.
The cylinder pressure is mainly responsible for igniting the diesel fuel after it injected into the compressed air.
But the damaged diesel glow plug put more pressure on the engine for ignition and becomes hard to start.
When the fuel unable to ignite the engine properly in the cylinder, it will cause misfiring of the engine in your car.
The diesel glow plug make the ignition successfully in your car. If it is damaged, then the misfiring of the engine occurs during ignition.
You may able to drive your car properly, but you will eventually experience the downgrade in its normal performances.
When the diesel glow plug of your car is damaged, it will cause ignition problems. As a result, your car will suffer low fuel mileage.
In this way, the miles per gallon of your car are reduced and need to purchase more diesel fuel for your car.
If you notice these problems in your car related to the engine, then make sure that you would have a low fuel mileage in the car.
If you found black smoke coming out from the exhaust pipe of your car, then it could be an indication of damaged diesel glow plug.
The black smoke produced from your car, when the damaged glow plug will certainly damper the diesel combustion to produce black smoke.
This smoke is the warning signs indicating either the diesel glow plug is damaged or some other components of the combustion chamber are damaged.
When the ignition of the fuel and compressed air is less for the car engine, then the misfire takes place and reduce the overall performance.
If the engine performance is reduced, then you will experience low acceleration at the time of putting the step on the gas pedal.
The damaged diesel glow plug can produce low acceleration power and unable to go faster after you step on the pedal.
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