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Presentation transcript:

DBM 380 AID Perfect Education/ dbm380aid.com

DBM 380 Entire Course (New) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT DBM 380 Week 1 Individual Assignment DataBase Paper (New) DBM 380 Week 1 DQ 1 (New) DBM 380 Week 1 DQ 2 (New) DBM 380 Week 2 Team Assignment Service Request SR-ht-003 Change Request 2 (New) DBM 380 Week 2 Individual Assignment Database Environment Paper (New) DBM 380 Week 2 DQ 1 (New) DBM 380 Week 2 DQ 2 (New) DBM 380 Week 3 Team Assignment Service Request SR-ht- 003 Change Request 3 (New) DBM 380 Week 3 Individual Assignment ERD Creation Project (New) DBM 380 Week 3 DBM 380 AID Perfect Education/ dbm380aid.com

DBM 380 Entire Course FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT DBM 380 Week 1 DQ 1 DBM 380 Week 1 DQ 2 DBM 380 Week 2 Team Assignment (Huffman Trucking) Entities and Attributes Requirements DBM 380 AID Perfect Education/ dbm380aid.com

DBM 380 Week 1 Individual Assignment Database Environment Proposal (NEW) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT DBM 380 Week 1 ASSIGNMENT Individual: Database Environment Proposal As one of the program outcomes for the Bachelor of Science in Information Technology program, students must design and d DBM 380 AID Perfect Education/ dbm380aid.com

DBM 380 Week 1 Individual Assignment DataBase Paper (New) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Write a 350- to 700-word paper in which you do the following: Explain what database systems are and how they are used. Define database architecture. Consider Microsoft® Access®, Microsoft® SQL Server®, Oracle®, and IBM DB2® software as possible DBM 380 AID Perfect Education/ dbm380aid.com

DBM 380 Week 2 Individual Assignment Database Design and ERD Creation (NEW) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT DBM 380 Week 2 ASSIGNMENT Individual: Database Design and ERD Creation The following assignment is based on the database environment proposed in the Week One Individual Assignment. Perform a logical design on the proposed database environment DBM 380 AID Perfect Education/ dbm380aid.com

DBM 380 Week 2 Individual Assignment Database Design and ERD Creation (NEW) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT DBM 380 Week 2 ASSIGNMENT Individual: Database Design and ERD Creation The following assignment is based on the database environment proposed in the Week One Individual Assignment. Perform a logical design on the proposed database environment without going through the full normalization process. Include the identification of all entities and attributes associated with the environment DBM 380 AID Perfect Education/ dbm380aid.com

DBM 380 Week 2 Individual Assignment Database Design Paper FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Write a 350- to 700-word paper in which you do the following: Explain what database systems are and how they are used at your workplace. Define database architecture. For the database systems in your workplace, identify which architecture they fall under. DBM 380 AID Perfect Education/ dbm380aid.com

DBM 380 Week 2 Individual Assignment Database Environment Paper (New) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Write a 750- to 1,050-word paper in which you complete the following: Choose a database environment from the following: An appropriate database environment within your workplace (must be approved by your instructor) An Art Museum that needs to track the artwork, artists, and locations where the art is displayed or stored within the museum Smith Consulting (Virtual Organization) DBM 380 AID Perfect Education/ dbm380aid.com

DBM 380 Week 2 Learning Team Sparkle Diamonds Project FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT DBM 380 Week 2 Learning Team Sparkle Diamonds Project Start working on your Learning Team Database and Presentation outlined above with delivery in Week Four. Begin by analyzing the requirements provided. Identify the tables, fields, field attributes, and table relationships required. DBM 380 AID Perfect Education/ dbm380aid.com

DBM 380 Week 2 Team Assignment (Huffman Trucking) Entities and Attributes Requirements FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Begin work on Service Request SR-ht-003, due in Week Five, by completing Change Request 2. Create documentation for this project that summarizes the process for using the entities and attributes for fleet truck maintenance. The Entities and Attributes for Fleet Truck Maintenance can be found on the intranet site for the Huffman Trucking Virtual Organization. DBM 380 AID Perfect Education/ dbm380aid.com

DBM 380 Week 2 Team Assignment Service Request SR-ht- 003 Change Request 2 (New) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Begin working on Service Request SR-ht-003, due in Week Five, by completing Change Request 2. Create documentation for this project that summarizes the process for using the entities and attributes for fleet truck maintenance. The Entities and Attributes DBM 380 AID Perfect Education/ dbm380aid.com

DBM 380 Week 3 Individual Assignment Database Normalization (NEW) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT DBM 380 Week 3 ASSIGNMENT Individual: Database Normalization The following assignment is based on the database environment designed in the Week Two Individual Assignment. Your database p DBM 380 AID Perfect Education/ dbm380aid.com

DBM 380 Week 3 Individual Assignment ERD Creation Project (New) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT The following assignment is based on the database environment chosen and discussed in the Week Two Individual Assignment. Use a Microsoft® Visio® diagram to create a detailed ERD using the data specificationsnoted in the Week Two Individual Assignment. DBM 380 AID Perfect Education/ dbm380aid.com

DBM 380 Week 3 Individual Assignment ERD Creation Project FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT The following assignment refers to material found in the Virtual Organizations. Create a detailed ERD using the Entities and Attributes for Driver's Log document found on the Huffman Trucking Intranet site. A copy of the tables is posted at the end of this document. DBM 380 AID Perfect Education/ dbm380aid.com

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DBM 380 Week 4 Individual Assignment Normalization of the ERD (New) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT The following assignment is based on the database environment chosen and created in the Week Three Individual Assignment. Your database project must meet the following assessment requirements: Design and develop a database using professional principles and standards. DBM 380 AID Perfect Education/ dbm380aid.com

DBM 380 Week 4 Learning Team MySQL™ FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT DBM 380 Week 4 Learning Team: MySQL™ Complete work on your Learning Team Database. Execute the following queries in the Diamond Broker database:  Create an 1- page inventory list showing all the attributes for each diamond in inventory (both in stock and not in stock)  Show the total price and costs for all in stock inventory items  Show DBM 380 AID Perfect Education/ dbm380aid.com

DBM 380 Week 4 Team Assignment SR-ht-003 Change Request 4 and 5 (New) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Continue working on Service Request SR-ht-003, due in Week Five, by completing Change Requests 4 and 5. Create documentation describing the principles and importance of normalization in relation to this project and the process by which this project was normalized. DBM 380 AID Perfect Education/ dbm380aid.com

DBM 380 Week 5 Individual Assignment SQL Queries (NEW) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT DBM 380 Week 5 ASSIGNMENT Individual: SQL Queries The following assignment is based on the database environment created in the Week Four Individual Assignment. Design and develop the below queries using professional principles and standards DBM 380 AID Perfect Education/ dbm380aid.com

DBM 380 Week 5 Learning Team Big Data FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT DBM 380 Week 5 Learning Team: Big Data The amount of data that large organizations must manage is vast. The concepts of managing “big data” are much different than traditional application databases (those similar to the diamond broker application, for example). DBM 380 AID Perfect Education/ dbm380aid.com

DBM 380 Week 5 Team Assignment Service Request SR ht 003 Presentation FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Create a 3- to 5-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation in which you explain how the principles of database management and your recommendations were applied to the project DBM 380 AID Perfect Education/ dbm380aid.com

DBM 380 Week 5 Team Assignment Service Request SR-ht- 003 (New) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Finalize the project work for SR-ht-003 and Change Requests 2–5. Compile all documentation from your Change request from Weeks Two through Five. Submit your team’s project work and documentation to your facilitator DBM 380 AID Perfect Education/ dbm380aid.com

DBM 380 Week 5 Team Assignment Service Request SR-ht- 003 Presentation (New) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Create a 3- to 5-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation in which you explain how the principles of database management and your recommendations were applied to the project. Submit your team presentation to your facilitator. DBM 380 AID Perfect Education/ dbm380aid.com

DBM 380 Week 5 Team Assignment Service Request SR-ht- 003 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Finalize the project work for SR-ht-003 and Change Requests 2–5. Compile all documentation from your Change request from Weeks Two DBM 380 AID Perfect Education/ dbm380aid.com