Reproductive health and Bipolar Disorder: Coping with Emotional Dysregulation and Sensuality


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Presentation transcript:

Reproductive health and Bipolar Disorder: Coping with Emotional Dysregulation and Sensuality

As has become increasingly clear in recent times, reproductive health is affected by a combination of physical and mental factors. If a guy’s physical male organ health is poor, for example, it can have an impact on performance. But one’s mental processes also can make a difference in one’s bedtime performance. While there is not a great deal of scientific studies to provide solid evidence, it does appear from clinical observations that people with bipolar disorder may find themselves with some particular challenges when it comes to their intimate life.

What is bipolar disorder? The term bipolar disorder has become very familiar as mental health issues have become more commonly discussed. When a person is diagnosed as bipolar, it means that they have a specific mood disorder. It manifests in periods when they are at an extreme high emotionally (a state called mania or hypomania) and in periods when they are at an intensely low emotional valley (experiencing severe depression). These periods can be very brief, lasting a few hours or days, or they can be extended, lasting weeks or even months. When a person with bipolar disorder is in the midst of either a high or a low, they have a difficult time experiencing things in what might be termed an objective manner. And there can be periods between swings when they are in a relatively “typical” frame of mind.

Intimate life The state that a person with bipolar disorder is in can have an impact on their intimate life. For example, when in a manic state, a person with bipolar disorder tends to be very impulsive. They are ready to rush into things at a moment’s notice and without giving enough thought to consequences.

This can often result in a state of hypersensuality, in which a person’s sensual appetite goes into overdrive. A person in a manic state may feel an intense need for coupling, much higher than what they would normally feel. This may result in a person approaching his partner multiple times a day and/or engaging in frequent self-gratification. If their aversion to risk is too low and they are not in the frame of mind to consider consequences, this may even result in self-pleasuring in an inappropriate situation or engaging in intimate contact outside of their monogamous relationship. It should be emphasized, however, that there is the potential for such actions; not every person experiencing hypersensuality is unable to control themselves. And it should also be noted than only an estimated 57% of bipolar people in manic states are described as hypersensual.

The opposite issue can occur when a person is in a depressed state. Hyposensuality, or a low drive, can occur. When this happens, a person tends to lose interest in physical intimacy. This can also result in reproductive dysfunction issues for men. (Ironically and unfortunately, some medications to treat bipolar disorder may also bring about a decrease in sensual interest.) Both hypersensuality and hyposensuality can create problems for people who are in a relationship. The partner can feel betrayed or hurt, and if the hypersensuality leads to sensual engagement with another person, it can cause serious issues. Bipolar individuals whose intimate life is impacted by their disorder should discuss appropriate methods of dealing with the issue, including medication options and sensual behavioral therapy.

Men with bipolar disorder, like all men, should also take steps to keep their male organ health at its prime. Regular use of a superior male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can help. Ideally, the chosen crème will vitamin A, which has anti-bacterial properties which are especially good at fighting persistent male odor, a common problem. The crème should also include L-arginine, an amino acid which helps the body produce nitric oxide to enable the blood vessels to expand properly when blood flow increases.