Propaganda 101
Republicans - Democrats
1 - Control the Media Means you can control the message and narrative. In the US there are 1286 newspapers, over 369 TV stations and over 900 radio stations. Yet...
Central Media Control
2 – Control the Reporters How many reporters are Republicans?
3 - Control the Message Create an alternative reality where everybody accepts your version.
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4- Help your favourite hillary-any-more-we-have hillary-any-more-we-have
5- Attack your opponent & his supporters
6 – Protect your favourite
7. Lie or twist the facts to fit your story
8 - Repetition Repeat the lie, over and over until it becomes fact.
Homework – Notebook Check 1) What was “Operation Mockingbird”? 2) What did Markus Fiedler and Dirk Pohlmann found about Wikipedia editors? 3) Udo Ulfkotte Ph.D wrote a book called Journalists for Hire: How the CIA Buys the News. What happened to his reputation? What happened to him? How much is the book on Amazon… Why do you think?