Trails CarolinaTrails Carolina: A Leader in Wilderness Therapy THERAPY PROGRAM
ABOUT US Trails Carolina Trails Carolina has developed a multi-dimensional wilderness therapy program model. We capitalize upon the profound effects of a student’s wilderness experience, combine them with the utilization of strong clinical assessments and therapy, and integrate a family systems approach to the overall treatment. 2
Wilderness for Healing & Self-Reflection Wilderness therapy enables students to hone their newly acquired coping and transition skills. Only because students face challenges of the wilderness therapy program, their viewpoint starts to transform and behavior quickly follow.wilderness therapy program
FAMILY INVOLVEMENT No other wilderness program offers training and support for the entire family quite like Trails Carolina.Trails Carolina
▰ Our team cultivates personalized experiences for youth and families through a modern transitional wilderness model that teaches adaptability and resilience. As one of the leading wilderness programs for troubled youth, our values drive our day-to-day efforts to deliver on this our mission at Trails Carolina.our mission at Trails Carolina
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