How To Block s On Gmail
Gmail Gmail as we all know help us to send our messages and it is the top rated webmail services provided by the Google. If any of the user of gmail having any kind of issue then they can contact to the Gmail customer service number anytime.
Users may have issue that how to block s on Gmail then they can contact to Gmail customer service number anytime 24*7how to block s on Gmail
Know How To block s on Gmail By just one call on Gmail customer care number
How To block s Gmail users may have issue like there are so many spam so users need to block those . So, users may have doubt that how to block s on gmail They need to follow some steps or they can contact to the Gmail customer service number anytime 24*7Gmail customer service number
Steps to Block spam s on gmail
Step 1 Users need to login to their gmail account and enter your username and password
Step 2 Now users need to search the unwanted s and copy their address and (select all s)
Step 3 Now there is triangle shape ion on the right side of the gmail so users need to tap on that
Step 4 Then there is a block option now users need to click on that option
Step 5 Now users will not get any unwanted s from any unwanted senders and all these types of s will be send to spam folder directly
Till now if user face any kind of difficulty then they can contact to the Gmail customer service number anytime 24*7Gmail customer service number
Call on Gmail toll free number and get solution of all your issues related to GmailGmail toll free number
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