Coolant system is the pressurized system in your car. When your car cools down, the excess coolant also cools down and return back to the radiator.
When you drive the car, the coolant in the radiator can be warmed and expands and flow into the reservoir tank.
If any problem arises in the coolant system, then you may find that the coolant leaks from the exhaust manifold.
If it is not addressed quickly, then it can indicate more serious and costly repairs in your car.
Here the points helps you to find out the possibilities of the coolant leak and the root of the problem.
Damaged head gasket
The head gasket leaks is the internal leak of your car which is contained in the engine. But it is very difficult to diagnose visually.
When the head gasket is leaking, it will dilute the oil and damage the bearing of the engine as well as foul the spark plugs.
In this case, you will see the white smokes coming from the exhaust. So, you need to add a sealer to the cooling system for fixing it temporarily.
Cracked head or block
The head or block leak is another internal leak which is occurred due to the cracked cooling jacket of the cylinder head or engine block.
This types of leaking can damage the engine because it will dilute the oil on the cylinder walls and damage the piston and rings.
If the coolant leak in the head or block is severe, then you can end up locking the engine.
The coolant leaking into the crankcase is another internal leak that can eventually damage your engine.
Thus, the oil level of your car can be measured by the dipstick. Somehow it will appear higher than normal and more frothy or oddly colored.
The crankcase leakages in your car not only damage the engine but also damage the bearings of your car.
Intake manifold gasket
The leakage in the intake manifold gasket of your car is the serious problem that needs to be addressed immediately.
Thus, the intake manifold gasket of your car is used to seal the intake manifold to the cylinder heads.
When it will be leaked, the coolant enters into the intake part or drip down the side of the engine on the outside.
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