Rigid Male Organ Fun in the Fall


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Presentation transcript:

Rigid Male Organ Fun in the Fall

Now that September has arrived, the summer heat will soon start dissipating and the fall season will bring in cooler weather. And with the fall, it’s time to think about fun games for that rigid male organ – who undoubtedly had a hot time during the summer and doesn’t want the changing weather to affect that hot streak. Never despair, men – autumn brings with it ample opportunities to have fun with that rigid male organ. Just see below for some examples!

Take advantage of those leaf piles. No doubt about it, raking leaves can be a major drag. But all those fallen leaves can also be utilized for some seasonal foreplay. Playfully throwing a few leaves at each other can lead to jumping together into a big pile of leaves – and using the privacy they give to get some passionate kissing going. And it’s just a quick step from there to shaking the leaves off and jumping into bed. Bet on autumn sports. Men can get their female partners more involved in sports if they make the outcomes of the games more personally interesting. For example, make a bet that if her team wins, she gets to pick what sensual position will be used in bed after the game. Or the number of points by which her team wins will correspond to the length of time spent in foreplay. (Similar outcomes can be determined in the event that the man’s team wins instead.)

Enjoy earlier evenings. As the days get shorter in the fall, that means the nights get longer – and that means there’s more nighttime available for engaging in sensual activity. Make that rigid male organ happy by spending more of that nighttime in bed. It’s Halloween – so role play away. Halloween is all about a person getting dressed up and pretending to be someone that they’re not. And that is a perfect definition of sensual role playing. Spend lots of time practicing for Halloween by coming up with role playing situations that both partners are interested in, then put together some basic costumes and let it go. Whether playing cop and robber, pirate and wench, sensual boss and computer repairman, or any other scenario, use role playing to add a little spice to one’s sensual life.

Have fun taking layers off. As the weather gets colder, people tend to bundle up more. A sweater and scarf may be added to that t-shirt, or leg warmers may make their way onto her sweatpants when she goes jogging. Don’t let the extra clothing become a barrier to rigid male organ fun. Encourage each other to make the doffing of those extra layers into a steamy strip routine. Explore sensual positions. Now that it’s a bit colder, people crave more warmth – so why not see if there are some “new to you” sensual positions to try that might bring more (or at least different) parts of the body into contact to help share that all-important body warmth? Plus, experimenting with new positions can be a benefit for couples that have been together for a long time.

Fall can be an excellent time for rigid male organ fun – especially if that rigid male organ has been kept in good condition through the daily application of a top notch male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). The manhood will be even more handsome if the skin has been properly cared for, so select a crème that includes a combination of a high end emollient (such as shea butter) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E). Look also for a crème that contains the amino acid known as L-arginine. This can help boost the production of nitric oxide, which in turn helps to keep male member blood vessels expanded for increased blood flow.