mc-vc-pab-mmae This ADC product is composed of an anti-TENB2 antibody (clone anti- TENB2) conjuagated via a MC-VC-PABC linker to MMAE (Thio-anti- TENB2-MC-vc-PAB-MMAE). It has demonstrated a response in prostate tumors treatment by a MOA (Mechanism of Action) of Depolymerize Microtubules.
Specifications Peptide linkers, belonging to Enzymatically cleavable linkers, combine greater systemic stability with rapid enzymatic release of the drug in the target cell. The scission of peptidic bonds relies on lysosomal proteolytic enzymes, which have very low activities in blood due to endogenous inhibitors and the unfavorably high pH value of blood.
Target TENB2 encodes a putative transmembrane proteoglycan, related to the EGF/heregulin family of growth factors and follistatin, which has been identified through the application of a differential display technique to a xenograft model of prostate cancer.