COM 450 Education for Service/


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Presentation transcript:

COM 450 Education for Service/

COM 450 Entire Course For more classes visit COM 450 Week 1 Individual Assignment Ethical Decision-Making Model Paper COM 350 Week 1 DQ 1 COM 350 Week 1 DQ 2 COM 450 Week 2 Final Learning Team Project Part I Film Choice Summary COM 350 Week 2 DQ 1

COM 450 Education for Service/ COM 450 Week 1 DQ 1 For more classes visit Week 1 DQ1 Which of the following ethical decision-making models, discussed in the introduction of Media Ethics, do you use most? Why? 1A: Aristotle’s Mean 1B: Confucius’s Golden Mean 2A: Kant’s Categorical Imperative 2B: Islam’s Divine Commands

COM 450 Education for Service/ COM 450 Week 1 DQ 2 For more classes visit Week 1 DQ2 Why are ethics important in personal and professional communication?

COM 450 Education for Service/ COM 450 Week 1 Individual Assignment Ethical Decision-Making Model Paper For more classes visit Ethical Decision-Making Model Paper Resources: Introduction “Ethical Foundations and Perspectives” ofMedia Ethics and the “Ethics: What Is Right?” video located under the Week One Electronic Reserve Readings Write a700- to 1,050-word paper that addresses the following: Explainwhat role ethics plays in communications. Summarize three or more of the ethical decision-making models presented in the introduction of Media Ethics. The models presented include the following:

COM 450 Education for Service/ COM 450 Week 2 DQ 1 For more classes visit Week 2 DQ1 Often, when facts are lacking, or are intentionally not reported by journalists or their sources, accuracy in reporting suffers. Is this an ethical issue? Is it always right to provide all facts? Why or why not?

COM 450 Education for Service/ COM 450 Week 2 DQ 2 For more classes visit Week 2 DQ2 Is deception in journalism ever justified? Why or why not?

COM 450 Education for Service/ COM 450 Week 2 Final Learning Team Project Part I Film Choice Summary For more classes visit Resources: University of Phoenix Material: Final Learning Team Project University of Phoenix Material: Suggested Films Complete Part I of the University of Phoenix Material: Final Learning Team Project, located in Week Five.

COM 450 Education for Service/ COM 450 Week 3 DQ 1 For more classes visit Week 3 DQ1 Are advertisements for some personal products, such as feminine hygiene, birth control, or medications for erectile dysfunction, inherently offensive? Why or why not?

COM 450 Education for Service/ COM 450 Week 3 DQ 2 For more classes visit Week 3 DQ2 Is there a clear line between responsible advertising and irresponsible advertising that invades consumers’ privacy? If so, how would you describe that line? If not, why not?

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COM 450 Education for Service/ COM 450 Week 4 DQ 2 For more classes visit Week 4 DQ2

COM 450 Education for Service/ COM 450 Week 4 Individual Assignment Public Relations Analysis Presentation and Press Release For more classes visit Part I Develop a 7- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation on public relations. Apply the following approach in your presentation: Identify a major public relations crisis as though you were a public relations consultant working to help a client. Propose a crisis plan to the client to address the crisis. Suggest what sort of attitude the client should convey about the crisis to improve the public’s perception of it.

COM 450 Education for Service/ COM 450 Week 5 DQ 1 For more classes visit Week 5 DQ1 What are some claims used to show how the media can have a negative effect on people's behaviors? What is the ethical reaction to those claims?

COM 450 Education for Service/ COM 450 Week 5 DQ 2 For more classes visit Week 5 DQ2 What are some ways that people with disabilities could be better represented in movies and television shows? Is there an ethical issue involved in a discussion about the concerns of those with disabilities?

COM 450 Education for Service/ COM 450 Week 5 Final Learning Team Project Part III Final Paper For more classes visit Resources: University of Phoenix Material: Final Learning Team Project Complete Part III of the University of Phoenix Material: Final Learning Team Project, located in Week Five.

COM 450 Education for Service/ COM 450 Week 5 Individual Assignment Ethics and Entertainment Assignment For more classes visit For this assignment, you will choose from the following options: Option 1: Artistic Freedom, Commercial Demands, and Ethical Responsibility Option 2: Video Game Censorship Read the instructions in the University of Phoenix Material: Ethics and Entertainment Assignment located on the student website and select one option to complete the assignment.

COM 450 Education for Service/