How To Get A Beautiful, Healthy Smile
Synopsis 1.Dental Implants – The Right Solution to the Problem of Tooth LossDental Implants – The Right Solution to the Problem of Tooth Loss 2.How Dental Implants Can Save Your SmileHow Dental Implants Can Save Your Smile 3.Required Preparations Prior to Dental Implant ProcedureRequired Preparations Prior to Dental Implant Procedure 4.Immediate Load Dental Implants: Get New Teeth in a DayImmediate Load Dental Implants: Get New Teeth in a Day 5.Get Brand New Teeth in One Day – How It WorksGet Brand New Teeth in One Day – How It Works 6.Replace Damaged, Colored or Missing Teeth in a DayReplace Damaged, Colored or Missing Teeth in a Day 7.The Advantages of the Teeth in a Day Procedure for Tooth ReplacementThe Advantages of the Teeth in a Day Procedure for Tooth Replacement
Dental Implants – The Right Solution to the Problem of Tooth Loss For obvious reasons, people who have experienced missing teeth are looking for the most ideal option for replacing their missing teeth. Dental implants procedure is the answer you seek. Implants restore your smile and replace your missing teeth with natural looking and functional ones. When you are suffering from tooth decay or gum disease, then you know the kind of pain you’re subjected to. Pain is perhaps the most important reason for an individual to consider teeth restoration procedures. This sharp pain is felt when the patient drinks ice-cold water. Other examples are the gnashing of teeth, chewing, and much more. The classic signs of tooth decay are when eating and drinking become very difficult. Also, cavities give out the earliest sign of tooth problems. Once the teeth begin to react to different temperatures of food, one should consult a dentist. Dental implants are designed to restore functionality. This is perhaps the most important benefit of implant treatment. Not only will dental implants restore normal functioning, they also improve the appearance of the teeth, giving it a more natural look. In fact, the only reason why some people choose dental implants is that they come with a natural look. So, no one has to know they are pseudo-teeth.
How Dental Implants Can Save Your Smile Dental implants are anchors that are placed in your jaw. However, this process has to be performed by a surgeon. This anchor is made up of titanium and a few other components that pose no health risk to the body. Your jaw bone will grow and provide great support for the implant. Once the implant has been surgically placed, you’ll have to wait for about three to six months for the bonding to take place. And thereafter, the implant is ready for the teeth replacement procedure. Dental implants are a perfect solution for single tooth loss and multiple teeth replacement. The steps for dental implant procedure are listed below: The implant placement is surgically performed by a professional dentist. Short wait period usually takes between 3 – 6 weeks to allow the bone to grow and provide support for the implant Lastly, placing of the permanent artificial tooth or teeth
Required Preparations Prior to Dental Implant Procedure Blood Test Systemic diseases, such as diabetes and hypertension, may likely ruin the dental implant surgery. So if a dentist discovers any disease that may likely affect the treatment, such infections must be attended to. In other words, treating the infections and disease is a priority. Mouth Examination This process involves examining the condition of the gum ridge and biting. This will help the doctor decide the perfect size and the best position to place the implant. It is important to treat any problems such as tooth decay and gum disease prior to treatment. X-ray Examination Dental implant surgery requires good, healthy jaw bones. Not only that the bone has to be very thick. This will provide the right support for the implants to sit perfectly. The best way to determine the bone volume, as well as the shape of the teeth, is to perform an x-ray examination. Periodontal Exam The periodontal check is a vital aspect and must be performed before the surgery. This is done to determine the conditions of your gum. A patient suffering from gum disease is no right candidate for dental implants. Treating gum disease is a priority. First, the doctor will have to develop a treatment plan for the gum disease. Once the gum is fully restored and considered healthy enough, then the surgery can be performed.
Immediate Load Dental Implants: Get New Teeth in a Day Although the teeth in a day procedure is a better option than traditional teeth replacement procedures such as dental bridges and removable dentures, they may not be perfect for every individual. Candidates for teeth in a day procedure are those with healthy jaw bones. If your bone quality and medical conditions do not meet the requirement then you may not qualify for this procedure. In addition, teeth in a day procedure is not recommended for patients’ suffering with bone loss, periodontal disease and other mouth infections, particularly in the affected area, Also, people with diabetes, HIV, and lupus are not ideal candidates. This implantation is just perfect for individuals who practice good oral hygiene and live a healthy lifestyle. To get the desired result in no time at all, patients must have healthy jaw bones.
Get Brand New Teeth in One Day – How It Works Fact is people suffering from tooth loss usually have low confidence and self-esteem. Fortunately, there is a solution. Sadly, only a few are aware of the latest implants procedure – teeth in a day. Just as the name implies, teeth in a day allow patients to get a perfect teeth replacement within 24 hours. You no longer have to schedule an appointment to complete the procedure. The placement of dental implants is completed all in one visit. Prior to discussing in details what this new procedure entails, it is important to understand what professional do to help people maintain good oral hygiene. The first step in maintaining and preserving natural teeth for a lifetime is living a healthy lifestyle. This will help keep your teeth and gum healthy. Patients who suffer from bad breath, receding gums, bleeding gums, missing teeth or shifting teeth have the telltale signs of gum disease. It is, however, difficult to detect gum disease at its early stages because it is relative pain-free. As a result, people don’t bother treating it. To prevent gum disease from damaging your oral cavity, it is important to visit a dentist regularly. If left untreated, gum disease will most likely lead to tooth loss. And now that the disease is at a more advanced stage, the best option is removing the teeth and replacing with implants using the teeth in a day.
Replace Damaged, Colored or Missing Teeth in a Day Replacing a missing tooth can sometimes take forever to complete. For people who have endured weeks of treatment to get a permanent solution for missing teeth, the assumption is that it takes a significant amount of time. Thankfully, there are a lot faster techniques and procedure for replacing missing teeth. More so, this procedure is easy and stress-free. The procedure is known as teeth in a day. All you have to do is to schedule an appointment with a dentist who offers new teeth in a day service and walk out with your natural looking set of teeth. For those who have damaged teeth, the dentist will first remove the teeth. Note that the removal process can be somewhat difficult as it involves breaking and flushing out the tooth sometimes. After the teeth removal, the next step is to prepare the dental impact that will fit perfectly into your jaw bones. This part is usually time-consuming and it requires professionalism. However, if performed by a reliable dentist it will take no less than 24 hours to complete. This means you don’t have to spend an extra day preparing for cosmetic surgery.
The Advantages of the Teeth in a Day Procedure for Tooth Replacement The procedures for both dental implants and teeth in a day are performed in the same manner. It involves rooting metal posts into the jaw bone. Teeth in a day treatment procedure take no longer than 12 hours as compared to the elongated duration for dental implants. This is because there is no time allotted for healing. However, this procedure can only be performed on patients with healthy jawbones. Hence, individuals with weak or infected jawbones are no candidate for this procedure. This is because it takes less time for a healthy bone to heal than one that has already been infected. Equally impressive is the fact that you can get new sets of teeth in just one day hence the name. Also, downtime is minimal as compared to other techniques. The End
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