Prostrate Cancer Awareness Month September 2018 One Of The Most Lethal Cancers Amongst Men
Prostrate Cancer Awareness Month September 2018 Cancer is the Prostrate is a relatively common disease amongst men above 60 years of age. If not treated in the early stages, It can spread from the prostrate to other parts of the body, Specially the bones and the lymph nodes One Of The Most Lethal Cancers Amongst Men
Prostrate Cancer Awareness Month September 2018 Symptoms may includes bones ache, trouble in urination, erectile dysfunction, discomfort in the pelvic area and decreased force in the stream of urine. One Of The Most Lethal Cancers Amongst Men
Prostrate Cancer Awareness Month September 2018 Services we offer include: Radiation Therapy Hormonal Treatment Surgical Removal of Testicles Surgical Removal of Prostrate Gland Transurethral Resection of the Prostrate One Of The Most Lethal Cancers Amongst Men
Prostrate Cancer Awareness Month September 2018 Don’t take it lightly! If you experience any of the symptoms above Book an appointment with our Urologists TODAY AGA KHAN UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL For an appointment: