3 Signs Indicating the Damaged Steering Angle Sensor of your Car


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Presentation transcript:

The steering angle sensor is the important component of your car which is located near the front suspension or within the steering column.

These devices are digital and comprised of an LED light that is used to measure the angle of the steering input.

If the steering angle sensor of your car is worn out or fail completely due to any factor, then try to fix it immediately.

The below points define the common symptoms of a damaged or bad steering angle sensor of your car.

When the steering wheel sensor of your car is damaged, an error code is triggered and stored inside the car's ECM.

As a result, the traction control light will be illuminated on the dashboard or in the instrument control panel.

The failed steering wheel sensor can malfunction the instrument cluster which alerts the driver that the electronic stability system has been disabled.

Steering wheel sensors of your car are designed to monitor the actions and inputs provided by the steering wheel.

The damaged steering wheel sensor sometimes provide false information to the ECM and create dangerous situations.

In most cases, the loose steering wheel unable to reciprocated by the action of the car and not responding the way it should.

The steering angle sensor of your car are generally attached with the multiple points in the steering system.

The front end wheel alignment of your car are designed to align the front wheels along with the steering wheel and cause a problem in the angle sensor.

If your mechanic forgets to reset the steering angle sensor of your car, then it can cause check engine light and impact the drivability of the car.

For the safe operation of your car, it's very essential to take a complete look over the steering wheel.

If you notice any problem in your car mentioned above, then contact one of the mechanics to fix it immediately.

The mechanic will diagnose the problem very easily and replace the steering angle sensor of your car if it is causing issues.

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