Archiving NCSX Construction Information Using the PPPL Windows Based Server
October 16, Background Currently PPPL has both a UNIX-based and a Windows Based Server – access to both via the PPPL P Drive NCSX Engineering Web is on the UNIX-based server This contains SPECs, NCRs, RFDs, drawings, etc. NCSX Department Page already established on the Window- based server Intend to utilize this more user-friendly server for archiving NCSX construction information Idea is archive/utilize this site to place all construction-related info (vs. holding on individual computers) Both servers are backed up daily
October 16, NCSX Department Site PHampton – primarily admin in nature NCSX Construction (as of Oct 5 th ) - tentative MCWF VVSA Module Coil Winding FPA Cryostat and Base Structure TF Coils PF Coils Dimensional Control and Metrology Data NCSX Test Cell Others later (Diagnostics, Electrical Power, Central I&C, Water & Utility Systems, etc.
October 16, How Organized - tentatively All persons within the PPPL domain will have read access Folks outside the native PPPL domain having a PPPL account (secure key fob) can access this file, albeit with slightly more complicated process Plan to enable groups to have read-write permissions Selected project personnel can change permissions, but only the Computer Group (H. Towner) can add/delete persons in a group Persons with read-write permissions can set up subfolders and populate them
October 16, NCSX Construction Groups - tentative NCSX Construction Admin Wayne Reiersen Bob Simmons (Lead) Marianne Tyrrell MCWF Subfolders Phil Heitzenroeder (Lead) Tom Brown Dave Williamson Mike Cole Brad Nelson Larry Dudek All those in the NCSX Construction Admin Group
October 16, NCSX Construction Groups - tentative VVSA Subfolders Mike Viola (Lead)* Tom Brown Mike Cole Brad Nelson Larry Dudek All those in the NCSX Construction Admin Group * Will usually post data Modular Coil Winding Subfolders Jim Chrzanowski (Lead) Phil Heitzenroeder* Tom Brown Tom Meighan Dave Williamson Mike Cole Brad Nelson Larry Dudek Paul Fogarty (?) All those in the NCSX Construction Admin Group * Will usually post data
October 16, NCSX Construction Groups - tentative FPA Mike Viola (Lead)* Tom Brown John Edwards Mike Duco Larry Dudek All those in the NCSX Construction Admin Group * Will usually post data Cryostat & Base Structure Geoff Gettlefinger (Lead)* Brad Nelson Larry Dudek Others? All those in the NCSX Construction Admin Group *Will usually post data
October 16, NCSX Construction Groups - tentative TF Coils Mike Kalish* Brad Nelson Larry Dudek Others? All those in the NCSX Construction Admin Group * Will usually post data PF Coils Mike Kalish* Brad Nelson Larry Dudek Others? All those in the NCSX Construction Admin Group * Will usually post data
October 16, NCSX Construction Groups - tentative Dimensional Conrol & Metrology Data Overall Larry Dudek Others? All those in the NCSX Construction Admin Group Metrology Data Steve Raftopoulos (Lead) Mike Duco John Edwards CAD & Model Data Tom Brown (Lead) Mike Cole (?) Lew Morris (?) Dimensional Control Art Brook (Lead) Fred Dahlgren Subfolders will include VVSA, MCWF, etc. -- Alternate path would be to have a metrology subfolder in each area * Will usually post data NCSX Test Cell (more than just machine assembly) Erik Perry (Lead)* Others? All those in the NCSX Construction Admin Group Others (Diagnostics, etc.) at the appropriate time * Will usually post data
October 16, What Should be Archived? All pertinent contract info Project discussions/basis of decisions on NCRs, RFDs, etc. Schedules, periodic status reports, etc. Internal correspondence ( s, internal NCRs, etc.) Pictures, etc. Other info deemed retainable by the Cog Engineer or PTR
October 16, What Should NOT be on This Server Contract sensitive info and correspondence – either in Procurement or on NCSX Private site (very limited access) Specific contract docs retained by Procurement, but Project assessments of a vendors performance may not be – place on Private site NCSX Project Administrator maintains this site
October 16, Some Issues Electronic info a convenient and easily accessible means of accessing info, but… Electronic data systems evolve and are not always accessible (e.g., CADD systems, out-dated word processing/filing systems =>how will be address this issue Do we need selected hard-copy back ups? Need to identify primary person who will post data. Certain subset of data (e.g., run procedures, data packages for each manufacture of each coil, etc.) will NOT ever be converted into electronic format If PPPL decides to shift to another class of server (whatever that may be) will all this archived data be accessible? How handle preliminary or raw data? Should we post on a restricted site or not post at all? Other issues?
October 16, Conclusions The proposed NCSX Construction Info site will provide an user-friendly means of archiving data Requires personnel (primarily lead) to establish the desired structure of how the data will be archived (e.g., see ways Mike Viola has archived VVSA and FPA data Leads please review the proposed Groups and provide feedback – we want to implement this ASAP!