Big Day for Pre-K Angela Wells ECYD Curriculum Planning September 23, 2018
Introduction on Big Day Pre-K What is their purpose and mission What kind of assessment do they use Summarize on researches and reviews Theoretical Philosophies Conclusion Materials and Resources Information
What is Big Day Pre-K? Learning Domains: Social-Emotional Oral language and vocabulary Emergent Reading and Writing Mathematics/Science (STEM) Social Studies Fine Arts Physical Development Technology Themes Ready for School My Family Our Community Awesome Animals Imagine it, Make It Growing up Healthy Natural All Around Us Moving On Continue “Embrace children’s natural curiosity and encourage them to explore and connect to the world around them” ( Big Day for Pre-K is one of the curriculum models that are proven effective comprehensive program that teachers use to prepare children for Kindergarten. It is center based preschool programs for age 3-5. Average cost is 2,999 dollars one time cost depends on half and full day programs. The cost for materials is separated. It is organized by three BIG experiences which are whole group, circle time, and story lessons with DAP. It is also included the eight engaging and child-friendly themes based on children’s interests.
Continue on Big Day Pre-K The goal is to promote children’s vocabulary skills, hands on play with different theme activities centers and develop strong communication skills. The oral language is the key for this curriculum, the children learn to develop language skills included: Listening Comprehension Speaking and Conversation Sentence Structure Oral Vocabulary With this type of teaching method, it provides integrated learning opportunities and creates different purposeful activity centers in the classroom that focus Big Day Pre-K’s Curriculum goals for children to learn. Teachers can use online to build their teaching plans and more. It is not only limit to Teachers, but also for Family to access too. They have called Teacher Space and Family Space to use online. (Picture will be shown on the next slide)
Home –School Connection tools that Teachers and Families can use for Big Day Pre-K Program
And example of Big Day Pre-K lesson plan
Big Day Pre-K Assessments Have Informal and Formal Assessments Tools Program which Teachers can use on the forms and computer that will help them learn about each child’s development progress. Also to figure out what kind of learning skills they need to provide for their students based on each child’s assessment reports to help them be ready for Kindergarten. Informal - is an guide for Teachers to use that observe their students during different part of the day included large and small group activities. It comes with checklist, observation guides, and records to help Teachers keep track of their students’ progress. Formal - is a child friendly one on one assessment based on ECI (Early Childhood Inventory.) They focus on monitoring their readiness skills based on five key domains which are Oral language Development, Phonological Awareness, Alphabet Knowledge, Mathematics, and Social Emotional Development.
Summarize on the result of Big Day for Pre-K from researchers and Teachers Based on two different school locations (Startzville Elementary in Texas and New Haven Public Schools in Connecticut)’s result on Big Day for Pre-K Curriculum, from 2010 to 2012, they found that it does make positive impact on children’s learning development on readiness and their engagements from Teachers’ language and literacy instructions. The information is found through by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Now for the consumer report on Big Day Pre-K curriculum from Summer 2015, it shows that it does cover all of the child development principals and covers all domains learnings/goals. However there is no available research based on the effects of child’s outcomes. And seems to have little weakness and some strength in evidence-based, responsive teaching, supports for individualized instruction, ongoing assessments, professional development opportunities, and family involvement materials. Big Day Pre-K does have strong Curricula Rating based in Fall 2017 from NCEDTL (National Center on Early Childhood Development, Teaching, and Learning.) Those two information above are based on Preschool Curriculum Consumer Report under NCQTL (The National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning.)
Conclusion Big Day Pre-K is just different type of teaching style with curriculum plan. It was created by practitioners and researchers led by Dr.Anne Cunningham. She is an early Childhood Researcher and Professor at University of California, Berkeley. It is little mix of different theorists combined into this program. Many good information can be found through National Research Council (2001)- Eager to Learn, Educating our Preschoolers and (2008)- Early Childhood Assessment: Why, what, and how. Committee on Developmental Outcomes and Assessments for Young Children. It is access for children with bilingual, dual learners, special needs, and homeschool. The materials are also available in Spanish and children can use it at home too. Different curriculums we have learned so far has pros and cons. It depends what are our goals and expectations that we want for our children to thrive as long as all domains development are included in the curriculum plan. “Teachers who are trained and encouraged to reflect on their own practice, as well as on how the children respond to classroom activities, can revise and plan their teaching effectively to meet the needs of all children.” (National Research Council, 2001; Sandall et al, 2000)
Materials and resources Information Lot of information about Big Day Pre-K is found through Many Teacher materials you can buy through this website as well. And you can find more on Amazon. 0Start/SIG_Alignment_Big%20Day%20for%20PreK.pdf For more information on Big Day Pre-K. 0Start/SIG_Alignment_Big%20Day%20for%20PreK.pdf There are some Big Day Pre-K materials available through Amazon too. for the most current research on Big Day Pre-K Early Childhood Education to classrooms. report.pdf for reports/reviews on different curriculums ratings. report.pdf National Research Council -