Red Male Organ Skin Warning: Signs and Symptoms Men Should be Aware Of


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Presentation transcript:

Red Male Organ Skin Warning: Signs and Symptoms Men Should be Aware Of

Rosy cheeks are a joy to behold; however, a rosy member can be a bit jarring. When a man has a red male organ, it’s natural for him to feel fear, panic, and often, discomfort. While it’s understandable, when the member is red, there are several completely harmless things that could be going on. The following are some of the signs men should look out for when they notice a red male organ on their person, as well as steps to remedy the situation.

Bruising – Bruising of the member after an injury is probably one of the leading causes of a red male organ. Trauma to the area can make it take on a deep red, purple or even blue appearance. Bruising isn’t always the result of Fight Club; often, it’s an accidental altercation with the edge of a counter or the result of a lot of time under the sheets. Minor bruises are nothing to worry about and will heal on their own. Major bruises that may be the warning signal of a fracture should be seen and treated by a medical professional.

Hematoma – A hematoma is similar to a high-level bruise, except the bruising happens deep within the tissue of an organ. This particular type of bruising can be firm, or it can also be lumpy to the touch because blood from the damaged vessel pools under the skin causing the bumps. Hematomas can create a loss of blood flow and can also be quite dangerous. A man who thinks he has a hematoma should seek out medical care immediately.

Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation – If a man has noticed his skin starting to darken, it could be Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIH), which is just an overproduction of melanin in the area. This may look like a red male organ for lighter skinned men. This issue usually trails behind instances of vigorous stimulation or an injury. It usually fades with time but could be treated additionally with retinol or microdermabrasion.

Purpura – Seeing reddish or purple blemishes on the member? It could be purpura. Purpura is an underlying disorder that may include a wide range of things including bleeding or clotting issue, medication side effects, blood vessel inflammation or nutritional deficits. See a medical professional for diagnosis and treatment. Manhood Vitiligo– Men who have psoriasis or eczema on other parts of their bodies may also develop symptoms on the member. Treating the affected area with vitamins A and E is sometimes helpful in addition to prescription medications.

Stevens-Johnson Syndrome – This is sort of like an allergic reaction to an allergic reaction. If a member is a persistent deep red or purple, it’s possible the man may have had a severe allergic reaction to medication and as a result, developed Stevens-Johnson syndrome. The syndrome is characterized by a purple or red rash on the member, as well as other areas of the body. If the rash develops into peeling skin and sores, proceed to emergency care as life-endangering complications can happen. There are certain medications which are more likely to cause Stevens-Johnson and they are sulfa-based antibiotics, ibuprofen, anticonvulsants, antipsychotics, naproxen, and antibiotics. Anyone who believes he has Stevens-Johnson Syndrome should see a doctor immediately.

Keeping the Manhood Out of the Red No matter the reason for a red male organ, maintaining good hygiene is always the best way to keep red male organ away. Cleanse with a gentle soap, being sure to thoroughly clean all parts of the member, and rinse well.

After washing the skin, apply a specially formulated male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin). These specially formulated cremes calm irritation and promote hydration. Be sure it is comprised of a natural hydration source like Shea butter to provide a base for smooth, balanced skin. Also, cremes with added ingredients such as vitamins A, C, D, and E, which are noted for their skin-soothing and healing properties, are ideal for male organ health.