While driving a car, one of the most difficult things is dealing with blind spots.
We all have side mirrors and rear view mirrors on our cars, but these mirrors only give us a limited vision of the other vehicles around us.
The drivers are forced to turn their heads whenever they’re making a turn or changing lanes to make sure that no other vehicles are approaching from the side.
In order to avoid such inconvenience, blind spot detection technology, is being integrated into newer models to have complete 360-degree detection around the car.
Working Principle
This technology contains sensors and cameras that will detect when another vehicle is entering any blind spot around your car.
For instance, if a vehicle approaches a blind spot on the left side of your car, then the light on your left side view mirror will start flashing.
And when you are attempting to change lanes, this technology may warn you by vibrating your steering wheel or causing a beeping sound to go off.
Here are the important components of the blind spot detection technology integrated into cars.
Rear View Cameras
The drivers mainly have problems with rear blind spots when they try to back up or park in a space behind them.
Some cars have rear-view cameras which provide a video feed from directly behind the car and the dashboard has a screen which shows you the video in real time.
This means that you can just watch the screen in front of you to check the rear blind spots.
Sensors and Sonars
The front and back of a car feature electromagnetic sensors that can detect how close other objects are to your vehicle.
Some versions of blind spot detection technology use ultrasonic waves, which is referred to as parking sonar to detect these objects.
Once an object is detected from these sensors or sonars, you will be alerted through a light or sound turning on.
Lane Departure Warning Systems
A lot of accidents occur because drivers weave in and out of their lanes because they’re intoxicated or simply distracted on their mobile phone.
The latest blind spot detection technology has a lane departure warning system as it is dangerous on the interstate roads where driving speeds are faster.
This features cameras that are placed on the side view mirrors which can detect how close the vehicle is to the white line on the side and if it gets too close, the driver gets alerted.
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