Male Organ Bumps May Be Due to HPV


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Presentation transcript:

Male Organ Bumps May Be Due to HPV

Who wants to unveil their pride and joy – whether to a new potential sensual partner or to the guys hanging around the gym locker room – and have people see that their manhood is covered with male organ bumps? Sure, many male organ bumps are benign and not a male organ health concern – but by the same token, many may not be so benign. And whether benign or not, a potential partner may not be able to tell. A case in point: when those male organ bumps are the result of HPV (also known as the human papillomavirus).

About HPV HPV has been in the news in recent years, but many of those stories have focused on the problems that HPV can cause in women. Because of this, many sensually active men think that either men can’t get HPV or that it can’t have any effect on them. Both of these assumptions are wrong. As a matter of fact, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warns that almost all people (of any gender) who are sensually active will get HPV at some point in their lives, unless they have been effectively vaccinated. (Currently, about 79 million Americans are thought to be infected.)

So what exactly is HPV? It’s a virus, as the name implies, and it most often is spread through sensual contact – via the posterior, female organ or mouth. In some cases, it can be spread through other forms of skin-to- skin contact. So having unprotected sensual contact with someone who already has the virus can easily spread the virus to their partner.

Problems Now, often a person can get HPV and never know it. In the majority of cases, the virus goes through the system and goes away without leaving nay visible signs or causing any health issues. But not so in other cases. One of the more common symptoms associated with HPV in men is the development of male organ bumps in the form of warts. (Women can also develop these warts in their female organ area. Warts also can come about from posterior sensual activity in either gender.) The warts can vary in size from very small to fairly large. They can be flat but or more often raised above the skin surface; and they often have a cauliflower-like look to them.

These warts are unattractive and very off-putting, and they can recur even after they have gone away. A doctor’s care is needed to determine the best kind of medical treatment for them. A more serious complication from HPV can be cancer. HPV doesn’t cause cancer itself, but it increases the risk of cancer developing. In men, this may be male organ cancer or, if they receive sensual activity in the posterior, cancer of the posterior. Men who contract HPV from oral sensual activity may develop cancer of the throat or tongue. There are at this time no tests or treatments for HPV in men, so taking steps to prevent HPV is recommended. Young men can have the option of a vaccination, which is not currently recommended for men over 26 years of age. Using latex barriers is definitely recommended to prevent acquisition of HPV.

Male organ bumps from HPV can be scary, so practicing prevention is key. Men should also just generally take steps to keep their members healthy, such as regular application of an excellent male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). The best cremes of this type include a wide range of key vitamins, such as A, B5, C, D and E. Ideally, the crème should also contain L-carnitine. This neuroprotective amino acid helps maintain proper male organ sensitivity, which can become diminished over time through over-aggressive handling of the manhood during sensual activity (partner-based or solo).