CJS 201 Teaching Effectively-- snaptutorial.com


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Presentation transcript:

CJS 201 Teaching Effectively-- snaptutorial.com

CJS 201 All Assignments For more classes visit CJS 201 Week 1 Criminal Justice System Paper CJS 201 Week 1 Question CJS 201 Week 2 Interest Assessment CJS 201 Week 2 Community Policing Brochure CJS 201 Week 3 Punishment Goals Paper

CJS 201 Teaching Effectively-- snaptutorial.com CJS 201 Week 1 Criminal Justice System Paper For more classes visit CJS 201 Week 1 Criminal Justice System Paper Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you include the following:  What are the components of the criminal justice system? What is the purpose and the responsibilities included in each component?  Select two theories of criminal behavior. Explain how they differ from each other.  Do you think the criminal behavior theories you selected are reliable? Why or why not?

CJS 201 Teaching Effectively-- snaptutorial.com CJS 201 Week 1 Question For more classes visit How does the U.S. Constitution impact the criminal justice system?

CJS 201 Teaching Effectively-- snaptutorial.com CJS 201 Week 2 Community Policing Brochure For more classes visit CJS 201 Week 2 Community Policing Brochure Imagine that you have been asked by your local police department to help improve the level of engagement and interaction the police has with your community.

CJS 201 Teaching Effectively-- snaptutorial.com CJS 201 Week 2 Interest Assessment For more classes visit CJS 201 Week 2 Interest Assessment Complete the Interest Assessment on the Careers in Criminal Justice website. Review two of the careers suggested for you in the Career Profiles section of the Careers in Criminal Justice website.

CJS 201 Teaching Effectively-- snaptutorial.com CJS 201 Week 3 Punishment Goals Paper For more classes visit CJS 201 Week 3 Punishment Goals Paper Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you include the following:  Select two of the punishment goals discussed in the textbook.  How are these goals similar to each other? How are they different?

CJS 201 Teaching Effectively-- snaptutorial.com CJS 201 Week 4 Corrections Presentation For more classes visit CJS 201 Week 4 Corrections Presentation Create a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation in which you discuss the U.S. corrections system. Include the following in your presentation:  The primary differences between jails and prisons

CJS 201 Teaching Effectively-- snaptutorial.com CJS 201 Week 5 Special Issues in Criminal Justice Paper For more classes visit CJS 201 Week 5 Special Issues in Criminal Justice Paper Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper in which you focus on special issues in the criminal justice field. Include answers to the following questions in your paper:  What is the connection between drugs and crime?  Are you in favor of decriminalization of any federally controlled substances? Why or why not?

CJS 201 Teaching Effectively-- snaptutorial.com