Introduction to organizational behavior By Dr. Raafat Youssef Shehata
Who Are Managers? Manager Someone who works with and through other people by coordinating and integrating their work activities in order to accomplish organizational goals
Classifying Managers
Management Functions
Management Functions of Management 1. Planning 2. Organizing 3. Motivating 4. Staffing 5. Controlling
1. CONCEPTUAL AND DECISION SKILLS Refer to the cognitive ability to see the organization as a whole and the relationships among its parts. 2. Human skills Involve the ability to work with and through other people and to work effectively as a group member. 3. TECHNICAL SKILLS The ability to perform a specialized task that involves a certain method or process. Management Skills
Skills Needed at Different Management Levels
Span of Control -Number of employees who report to a supervisor -Traditional view = 7 subordinates per manager -Organizations today = 30+ subordinates
Span of control: Tall vs. Flat Organizations Structure Concepts
Line Authority - management with formal power to direct and control immediate subordinates Staff Authority - granted to staff specialists in their area of expertise Line and Staff Authority