Federal Energy Regulatory Commission PRCI Stakeholder Strategic Planning Conference March 14, 2006 Barton Creek Resort, Austin, Texas Robert J. Cupina.


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Presentation transcript:

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission PRCI Stakeholder Strategic Planning Conference March 14, 2006 Barton Creek Resort, Austin, Texas Robert J. Cupina Deputy Director Office of Energy Projects U. S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Issues and Best Management Methods for Pipeline Construction Adjacent to Powerlines Co-location benefits versus electrical system vulnerability, construction techniques, offsets, etc. Co-location benefits versus electrical system vulnerability. Impact – could support or not support co-location.

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Noise Effects from Pile-Driving on Fish and Other Aquatic Species Will result in the use of mitigation only where required to protect aquatic species. Determine what species are most at risk, best mitigation method to reduce fish kills and impacts to other aquatic species (mammals, invertebrates). Noise impacts to threatened and endangered fish species and commercially and recreational fish species from LNG terminal construction. Testing of pile driving impacts to various species in areas where LNG terminals are proposed or under construction.

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Water Uptake/Discharge and Air Emissions from LNG Tankers – Air, Water (Cold/Hot) Impact – It is unknown how mitigation could be developed, given the variability of the LNG fleet and the lack of direct control by applicants. Water uptake by LNG carriers for cooling water and ballast is a common concern of NOAA. Survey of operating vessels could provide ranges for documenting impacts.

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Noise Associated with LNG Import Terminals May result in the use of mitigation only where required to protect aquatic species. Determine what species are most at risk, best mitigation method to reduce fish kills and impacts to other aquatic species (mammals, invertebrates). Need to understand the operational noise impacts from LNG Terminals.

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Noise Impacts due to Pipeline Blowdowns; Nature of the Impact & Mitigation if Appropriate Determination Survey and review of NSAs near compressor stations to establish the quantitative and qualitative impact to NSAs due to station blowdowns, the efficacy of installing blowdown silencers, and the perceived impacts to local residents. Investigation into reducing impacts to residents from essential infrastructure. Impact would determine when and if blowdown mitigation is necessary.

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Coastal Marsh Impacts from Pipeline Construction Could confirm/refute the severity of impacts. Either reduces or increases construction costs. Survey past construction and interview agency personnel. Important for LNG sendout pipelines.

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission LNG Vessel Transit Impacts to Marine Mammals and Sea Turtles A big issue for NOAA and the USCG CEU. Cost would involve improving avoidance guidelines, modifying transit corridors. Would require a review of vessel strikes, common species affected, and avoidance strategies. Could be co-funded by NOAA.

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Stream Crossings – Available Technologies and Expected Impacts Stream crossing technology discussions affect nearly every project. Results may argue for more/fewer dry cut crossings. Canadian Pipeline Water Crossing Committee did a study in This study could update the technology and provide information for regions of the United States.

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission More Information 202/