Five Causes of Decreased Male Organ Sensation and How to Get it Back


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Presentation transcript:

Five Causes of Decreased Male Organ Sensation and How to Get it Back

Unfortunately, decreased Male Organ sensation is an inevitable certainty for most men. Simple aging can often lead many men to long for their members of old: members that stood hard and steadfast, and often were accompanied by a low refractory period between intimate encounters or solo-love. Don't believe it? Look at all of the money spent each year to reverse the loss of sensation in the male organ! Male performance aids, some more exotic in origin, are popped like Hubba Bubba in hopes that Male Organ sensitivity returns. What some men don’t realize is there are other ways to fight decreased Male Organ sensitivity that doesn’t rely on little blue tablets. Some take a simple identification of the cause to find the remedy. Let’s take a look at some causes of decreased Male Organ sensation and how to get it back.

1) Age – This is one that is hard to treat! Or is it? As men age, their bodies evolve into their next phase, generally one that is a bit slower than their exuberant youth. The blood vessels that direct blood flow in and out of the member also grow older and slow with age. While age is inevitable, there are several tips to help an older man increase sensation in his Male Organs. Stay away from food prior to intimacy (the body won’t have to put energy toward digestion), exercise prior to intimate contact to get the blood pumping, and one thing that's often overlooked is to enjoy sensual activity during the part of the day when more alert and energetic.

2) Low Androgen – This is also called "Low T." Androgen depletes as men age. This can often lead to decreased Male Organ sensation and even numbness in the Male Organ area. Other symptoms of low androgen include sadness or depression, fatigue, irritability, and a reduction in muscle mass. Men who believe they have Low T should see a doctor for a diagnosis. Symptoms can often be treated with medication.

3) Excessive Self-pleasure – Too much friction can lead to numbness. This is also true for men who utilize "Death Grip," an unreasonably tight compression when self-stimulation. This leads to loss of sensation in the male organ because it can thicken the outer Male Organ skin. Thankfully sensation can be regained if a man takes a knee on self-pleasure for a moderate period of time. Then when returning to self- pleasure, is gentler and uses less compression. This will not only increase his Male Organ sensitivity but also improve sensual satisfaction with a partner.

4) Medical Issues Involving Compromised Circulation – Men who are diagnosed with medical conditions such as obesity, diabetes, or cardiovascular problems can experience decreased Male Organ sensation. The best way to regain sensation is to follow all treatment plans to the letter. That could be everything from medication to weight loss to activity to something simple such as sitting less so the Male Organ area can experience improved circulation. 5) Nerve Damage – Diseases like diabetes and Multiple Sclerosis (MS) can affect the male organ in addition to other parts of the body. Both diseases are linked to neuropathy, a condition caused by nerve damage which can cause pain, burning, and numbness. A doctor can explore methods of treatment after diagnosis. However, patients should first treat the disease and then treat the symptoms.

Improve Male Organ Circulation and Sensitivity In addition to the many methods of regaining sensation listed above, there is a daily way to improve male organ health and sensitivity – self- massage! Now, this isn't the self-gratifying sort; this type of massage should be seen as a combination of good hygiene and self-care.

Massage the male organ daily with a specially formulated male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) to improve sensation in the Male Organs. Not only does it feel good, but emollients like Shea butter and vitamin E helps retain the elasticity of the Male Organ skin. Other beneficial ingredients include vitamin C, which is critical for promoting proper blood flow for strong members and L-Carnitine to protect against peripheral nerve damage caused by friction which can lead to numbness and decreased Male Organ sensation. Finally, a key amino acid that increases blood flow, L-Arginine, is a welcome addition to maintain firm members.