How to Cure a Dry Male Organ: Common Causes and Treatment Options


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Presentation transcript:

How to Cure a Dry Male Organ: Common Causes and Treatment Options

At one time or another, most men have dealt with dry and chafed skin in the private area. Even for a guy that takes great care of his most-loved parts, dry skin can appear and cause some serious irritation. Skin chafing on the male organ can present itself as incessant itching or as a dry, flaky mess. Take note that it’s pretty normal to use a male organ health crème to hydrate the affected skin as the moisturizing properties create smooth, soft and supple skin in the private area. Read on for information on some common men’s health issues and how to cure a dry male organ.

1) Yeast Infections are one of the most common causes of skin chafing on the male organ. Although these annoying infections are more prevalent in females, men are as likely to develop them, especially if they have an underlying medical condition that has depressed their immune system. For those suffering from a yeast infection, they know the symptoms all too well: dry and flaky skin, redness and inflammation, painful urination, white and thick discharge and incessant itching. If these symptoms listed are consistent with yours, seek medical treatment before deciding to buy an over-the-counter product. 2) Skin conditions such as eczema or psoriasis can lead to dry, flaky and peeling skin. The affected skin can become very chafed, leading to red and irritated skin. Further research is needed to determine if these medical conditions are the source of your male organ irritation, so seek medical treatment if scales or rashes appear on the skin as well.

3) Jock itch, known to the medical community as tinea cruris, is sometimes the underlying cause of dry male organ skin. Part of a group of fungal skin infections, these pesky microscopic fungi can multiply and spread the infection if thriving in a moist environment which is why jock itch is commonly found in the genital area. The infection can cause harsh and red burning of the skin as well, an unpleasant feeling. Treat it quickly to minimize the symptoms and prevent the spread to surrounding skin. Using an anti-fungal medication can help, but make sure to properly clean and dry the area before applying any sort of male organ health creme.

4) Hot tubs are definitely enjoyable, especially during parties, after a long and intense workout, on vacation, or in your own backyard. But men can leave the hot tub not knowing they’ve contracted a nasty male organ rash directly related to the time spent in that hot water. To prevent hot tub rash, also referred to as pseudomonas folliculitis, make certain the hot tub in question is cleaned properly and often. Since heat and water are a breeding ground for bacteria, it’s expected that a hot tub would deplete the skin of its most prized natural oils, so take heed of this advice before jumping into the next public hot tub in the future.

It's extremely common that improper hygiene is the culprit for dry, chafed skin in the private area. Make sure to dry the private area skin completely as moisture can get trapped and wreak havoc. After correctly washing the genital area, dry and moisturize your skin with a product made specifically for skin, like a male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin). A nutrient-enriched crème is a super weapon, containing vitamins and other ingredients essential to the wellbeing of the male skin, like vitamin C, for collagen production, and Shea butter, which hydrates the skin leaving the area soft and smooth. Keep the skin clean, dry, and hydrated for optimal health.