AJS 574 Education for Service-- tutorialrank.com


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Presentation transcript:

AJS 574 Education for Service-- tutorialrank.com

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AJS 574 Education for Service-- tutorialrank.com AJS 574 Week 2 Policing in Kelsey Budget Report For more course tutorials visit Resources: Review the City of Kelsey under the Government tab of the Virtual Organization site. Access the public records of Kelsey under the City Government to familiarize yourself with the city’s budget and financial report. Review the following scenario: You work as a budget director for the mayor of Kelsey and recently you have been getting numerous complaints from citizens about the increase in crime in the City of Kelsey and public demands for more police officers

AJS 574 Education for Service-- tutorialrank.com AJS 574 Week 3 Reforms and Shortcomings Presentation For more course tutorials visit AJS 574 Week 3 Reforms and Shortcomings Presentation - Use the City of Kelsey in the Virtual Organizations to evaluate how reform movements and financial shortcomings affect the city's operating budget. Create a 14- to 16-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® pre

AJS 574 Education for Service-- tutorialrank.com AJS 574 Week 4 Influences Within Public Safety or Security Programs Paper For more course tutorials visit AJS 574 Week 4 Influences Within Public Safety or Security Programs Paper - Resources: Choose a public safety or security program at the local, state, or federal level that has undergone a significant budgetary decrease. Have your instructor approve your choice. Some examples include:

AJS 574 Education for Service-- tutorialrank.com AJS 574 Week 5 Financial Contingency Planning Sources of Funding Paper For more course tutorials visit AJS 574 Week 5 Financial Contingency Planning Sources of Funding Paper - Resources: Previously selected public safety or security program from the Week Four Individual Assignment; Influences within the Public Safety or Security Programs.

AJS 574 Education for Service-- tutorialrank.com AJS 574 Week 6 Final Project Public Finance Proposal and Presentation For more course tutorials visit AJS 574 Week 6 Final Project Public Finance Proposal and Presentation - Resources: or your local public safety agencywww.post.ca.gov website Select a city, county, or state budget for your final project. Use the Internet to access its prior year annual budget and Comprehensive Annual Financial Report.

AJS 574 Education for Service-- tutorialrank.com