ENTERTRAVEL Entertainment and Event Travel Agency
Enter Travel Enter Travel handles travel for movie and television production industry. We are experienced in all aspects of Entertainment & Production travel including all of their travel planning needs. “
ENTERTRAVELENTERTRAVEL was formed as two Hollywood travel agent powerhouses, James Densmore and Chas Dabby, joined forces and created a synergy with their expertise. Our Message ENTERTRAVEL has established its reputation with prestigious brands in the airline, hotel, hospitality, destination management, and logistics companies - ensuring the results for our clients are exceptional and seamless. ENTERTRAVEL is known as Hollywood’s “go-to-travel agency”.
Enter TravelEnter Travel has a team of superior VIP travel advisers that delivers you best Celebrity travel packages, cruises, Airlines Discount and provide the most VIP and discreet services to our clients. We provide a safe and secure Music Tour travel experience. DJ Travel provides International Air Tickets, a variety of holidays packages, excellent customer service, airline discount and airline business program options. Our Vision
EnterTravelEnterTravel's Specialty is holding your tour on budget, processing flights, seamless logistics, excellent customer service, and being aware of all your DJ travel tour’s requirements.
Music travel The world’s top DJs turn to Music Travel to ensure that they, their teams, and their equipment move swiftly and seamlessly around the globe for their scheduled tours.
CONTACT US Wilshire Blvd Suite 207 Beverly Hills, CA 90212