W ELCOME TO BTR USH You don’t need millions to be a helper, our platform is designed to allow anyone to participate. We have 3 plans from which you can participate and contribute while unlocking unlimited assistance in return from the platform. Our plans Builder Advance Masters
C OMPENSATION PLAN Builder Plan Plan contribution (R once off) Direct down line required Unlocked benefit Builders3R300 Paid to wallet to spendUpgrade to next level R100R200 All funds available on e-wallet will gain 1% daily capital share and would be transferable to the participants bank at anytime. No external funds would be accepted on this income stream
B UILDER P LAN COMPENSATION levelFrom Auto upgrade Total benefit Spending allowance 2R200R600R200 3R400R1200R400 4R800R2400R800 5R1600R4800R1600 6R3200R9600R3200 7R6400R19200R6400 8R12800R38400R12800
C OMPENSATION PLAN Advance Plan Plan contribution (R once off) Direct down line required Unlocked benefit Advance3R3000 Paid to wallet to spendUpgrade to next level R1000R2000 All funds available on e-wallet will gain 1% daily capital share and would be transferable to the participants bank at anytime. No external funds would be accepted on this income stream
A DVANCE P LAN COMPENSATION levelFrom Auto upgrade Total benefit Spending allowance 2R2000R6000R2000 3R4000R12000R4000 4R8000R24000R8000 5R16000R48000R R32000R96000R R64000R192000R R128000R384000R128000
C OMPENSATION PLAN Masters Plan Plan contribution (R once off) Direct down line required Unlocked benefit Master3R15000 Paid to wallet to spendUpgrade to next level R10 000R All funds available on e-wallet will gain 1% daily capital share and would be transferable to the participants bank at anytime. No external funds would be accepted on this income stream
M ASTERS P LAN COMPENSATION levelFrom Auto upgrade Total benefit Spending allowance 2R10 000R30 000R R20 000R60 000R R40 000R R R80 000R R R R R R R R R R R
H OW IT WORKS The program works on a basic 3X1 matrix which simply means all participants need only 3 members below them to advance to next stages You (Sponsor) 123 Your team
Once you have referred your 3 down lines, you will advance to the next level (Stage 2). You do not need any more external referrals to join you, however to advance out of that level, your 3 down line team will need to also introduce their own 3 referrals to follow you into the next levels Advance to next stage As each gets his 3 members, they will advance following you to next stages. With every advancement, funds will be available to your wallet
I NCOME STREAM TWO Additional to the benefits of becoming one of our community member, you can also earn daily passive income. Advancement to next stage compensation Added to wallet with every advancement +R Any funds on wallet before member transfer to his/her bank will gain daily share Can be transferred anytime to bank
H OW TO BECOME A MEMBER To become a member, Register at Pool in your contribution as per instruction upon registration Add your 3 down line members and enjoy the ride If you don’t need any help, allow your available funds to grow daily Help your team repeat the process and advance
A DOPTING AN ACTIVITY IN NEED Additionally, Adopt activities in need at your community and get donations to uplift and empower those in needs. Please refer to our main presentation to see which activities we donate to daily. Write to us :