TRAINING MODULE ON PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT Sponsored by Personality development course in Chandigarh CBitss Technologies
The current module on personality development, Specifically design the requirements of training courses It is organized for senior executives to improve functional efficiency. Module should definitely be given participants Proper opportunity to master the skills to improve ability Functional efficiency.
Aim The training module is aimed at the promotion of the strategies for the personality development of the participants. The rationale behind this endeavor is the recognition of the multifaceted influence of the personality of the employees upon organisational effectiveness. Package of Personality Development
The objective of the training programme is bring about personality development with regard to the different behavioural dimensions that have far reaching significance in the direction of organisational effectiveness. Objectives
Interpersonal Skills View youtube video -
Stress Management
group dynamics and team building
Performance Appraisal
CBitss Technologies SCO , level 3, sector 34 A, Chandigarh, Phone: Website-