CIT 277 Become Exceptional/ CIT 277 All Assignments For more course tutorials visit CIT 277 Week 1 Individual Comparing.


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Presentation transcript:

CIT 277 Become Exceptional/

CIT 277 All Assignments For more course tutorials visit CIT 277 Week 1 Individual Comparing Websites CIT 277 Week 1 Individual E-Commerce Project, Part I CIT 277 Week 2 Individual E-Commerce Project, Part II CIT 277 Week 3 Individual E-Commerce Project, Part III CIT 277 Week 4 Individual E-Commerce Project, Part IV

CIT 277 Become Exceptional/ CIT 277 Week 1 Individual Comparing Websites For more course tutorials visit CIT 277 Week 1 Individual Comparing Websites Research three competitor’s websites. The companies must be in the same (or similar) industry. Create a detailed list of the look and feel of those sites from a buyer’s perspective. Compare the websites by listing at least two pros and two cons for each website.

CIT 277 Become Exceptional/ CIT 277 Week 1 Individual E-Commerce Project, Part I For more course tutorials visit CIT 277 Week 1 Individual: E-Commerce Project, Part I For your individual project, you will be creating an e-commerce site for a business of your choice. This site may be for an imaginary company or one that you would like to start, but it must be non-existent on the web. Before designing your website, a website plan must be created.

CIT 277 Become Exceptional/ CIT 277 Week 2 Individual E-Commerce Project, Part II For more course tutorials visit CIT 277 Week 2 Individual: E-Commerce Project, Part II Based on your Week Two Learning Team Collaborative discussion, create a basic homepage using the following Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) tags:

CIT 277 Become Exceptional/ CIT 277 Week 3 Individual E-Commerce Project, Part III For more course tutorials visit CIT 277 Week 3 Individual: E-Commerce Project, Part III Based on your website plan and Week Three Learning team discussion, expand your website from Week Two to contain at least three web pages.

CIT 277 Become Exceptional/ CIT 277 Week 4 Individual E-Commerce Project, Part IV For more course tutorials visit CIT 277 Week 4 Individual: E-Commerce Project, Part IV Enhance your e-commerce website from Week Three by adding the following: Rich Media Shopping cart (only a mockup of a cart is necessary) Compile all elements of your website (e.g. HTML, CSS, and images files) into a ZIP folder. Submit a single ZIP file that contains all elements of your website (e.g. HTML, CSS, and image files) to the Assignment Files tab

CIT 277 Become Exceptional/ CIT 277 Week 5 Individual E-Commerce Final Project For more course tutorials visit CIT 277 Week 5 Individual: E-Commerce Final Project Part I: Complete your e-commerce website by adding advanced web technologies and metadata. Compile all elements of your website (e.g. HTML, CSS, and images files) into a ZIP folder.

CIT 277 Become Exceptional/ CIT 277 Week 5 Individual Social Media Optimization (SMO) For more course tutorials visit CIT 277 Week 5 Individual: Social Media Optimization (SMO) Explore how to reach out to your current and potential website visitors with Social Media Optimization (SMO). Write a 1-page report that describes three tips you found interesting or potentially useful. Cite the URLs of the resources you used.

CIT 277 Become Exceptional/