Male Organ Scars: Potential Problems


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Presentation transcript:

Male Organ Scars: Potential Problems

Although his member is one of a man’s most prized possessions, men don’t usually spend a lot of time actually inspecting it. Sure, they spend time handling it – stuffing it in when dressing, pulling it out for urination, fondling it for periods of time (sometimes quite lengthy periods of time) when self-pleasuring. But, aside from occasional self-checks, not many men spend that much time actually inspecting it. If they did, they might see that over time the member can develop some small cuts and tears, often from normal wear, which may form small scars when healing. But can scars present any problems a guy should know about? In some cases, the answer is yes.

Scars Scars are part of the natural healing process. They form when the dermis (the deep layer of the skin) gets damaged from some form of trauma (a cut to the skin, a sharp blow, skin diseases or conditions, etc.) To heal the damage, the body produces a protein to seal over the wound. But collagen has a different texture and feeling than the surrounding skin, so the scars it forms may look or feel different. Sometimes the body goes overboard in creating collagen for the job, and in those instances, the scar is typically raised above the level of the skin.

Male organ scars Scars are in many ways a good thing; after all, they are part of the healing process that repairs injuries to the body. But in some instances, scars can cause other problems. Scar tissue can be especially bothersome on the member. Why? Because the member is designed to change size and shape. When a man becomes aroused, the member becomes engorged, elongating and filling out. As all men know, without this process, unaided penetration is impossible. And because the member has to grow so frequently, the skin is designed to be extremely flexible and pliable.

Unfortunately, the tissue that is used to create scars does not have that needed flexibility. Thus, the portion of the member in which scar tissue dwells cannot grow to the same length as portions which are unaffected by scar tissue. In instances in which there is minimal scar tissue, this may be unnoticeable. But if there is a significant degree of scar tissue in one place, it can result in one side of the member not growing as long as the other sides. When this happens, it typically causes the member to bend in one direction when engorged. (It may bend up, down, to the left or to the right, depending on the location of the scar tissue.) This creates a condition known as Peyronie’s disease, which can be painful and can in some cases interfere with a man’s ability to enjoy penetrative coupling.

Other problems Male organ scar tissue can cause other issues as well. For example, among intact men, scarring on the foreskin can affect flexibility, resulting in situations where either the foreskin cannot retract (called phimosis) or once retracted, can get stuck behind the glans (called paraphimosis). In addition, too much scar tissue can also result in de-sensitization of the member, in which the member does not experience the same degree of pleasurable sensation as it would otherwise. Men with significant scar tissue in the member should discuss the issue with their doctor to determine an agreeable course of action.

A member with scars needs the regular application of a superior male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). A crème with L- carnitine may be of help, as this neuroprotective ingredient can aid in maintaining proper member sensation. The best crème should also include vitamin C. In addition to providing other health benefits, vitamin C is helpful in creating the tissue that gives tone and elasticity to member skin.