Innovative integrated methodology for the use of decontaminated river sediments in plant nursing road construction CLEANSED - LIFE 12 ENV/IT/ SUMMARY 1.SCENARIO 2.CRITERIA FOR REUSE OF SEDIMENTS IN ROAD CONSTRUCTION 3.PROJECT OBJECTIVES Characterization of dredged sediments for the evaluation of the use as a structural material in road construction Implementation of the road construction demonstration field 4.FIRST PHASE ACTIVITIES Sediment characterization 5.RESULTS Pisa, 03 Aprile 2014
Innovative integrated methodology for the use of decontaminated river sediments in plant nursing road construction CLEANSED - LIFE 12 ENV/IT/ Pisa, 03 Aprile 2014 DREDGING dredged sediments STORAGE of sediments in a confined area storage site MANAGEMENT of polluted dredged sediments for use in road construction DEWATERING DE-CHLORIDIZATION SCENARIO Navicelli canal
Innovative integrated methodology for the use of decontaminated river sediments in plant nursing road construction CLEANSED - LIFE 12 ENV/IT/ Pisa, 03 Aprile 2014 Large volumes of sediments are dredged in Europe in order to maintain harbour activities Road construction begins with the removal of earth and rock, construction of embankments, filling with sand or a sand-rich mixture with fine gravel The potential use of dredged river sediments as filling material for road building will be investigated on lab scale and on demonstration field SCENARIO
Innovative integrated methodology for the use of decontaminated river sediments in plant nursing road construction CLEANSED - LIFE 12 ENV/IT/ Pisa, 03 Aprile 2014 PROJECT OBJECTIVES Implementation of the road construction demonstration field by utilizing treated sediments as a fill material for road building Cross section
Innovative integrated methodology for the use of decontaminated river sediments in plant nursing road construction CLEANSED - LIFE 12 ENV/IT/ Pisa, 03 Aprile 2014 PROJECT OBJECTIVES Characterization of dredged sediments for the evaluation of the use as a structural material in the road construction Materials for road construction purposes requires checking specific criteria A1, A2-4,A2-5, A3 A2-6 A2-7 A4, A5, A6 stabilization with lime/cement CNR UNI groups: Definition of the most appropriate mixture(s) of decontaminated dredged sediments and other standard materials The treated sediments will be applied in different proportions and percentages, in order to demonstrate the wide range of possible features and applications
Innovative integrated methodology for the use of decontaminated river sediments in plant nursing road construction CLEANSED - LIFE 12 ENV/IT/ Pisa, 03 Aprile 2014 EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAM LABORATORY TESTS : Water content Soil classification (CNR UNI 10006/02) Presence of organic matter (UNI EN ) Mix design by gyratory compactor and measuring of tangential stress ( influence of the addition of sediments on the thickening of the mixtures) Mechanical tests (resistance to compression with free lateral expansion, CBR index before/after saturation, etc) Sample before and after dewatering process Next trial
Innovative integrated methodology for the use of decontaminated river sediments in plant nursing road construction CLEANSED - LIFE 12 ENV/IT/ Pisa, 03 Aprile 2014 EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAM Soil classification (CNR UNI 10006): Particle size distribution Plasticity index (IP=LL-LP)
Innovative integrated methodology for the use of decontaminated river sediments in plant nursing road construction CLEANSED - LIFE 12 ENV/IT/ Pisa, 03 Aprile 2014 EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAM Determination of organic components affecting curing of cement (UNI EN ) Humus content The method is based on the principle that humus develops a dark colour when it reacts with sodium hydroxide(NaOH). The intensity of the colour depends on the humus content. The test solution is compared with the reference solution. Water content (%):
Innovative integrated methodology for the use of decontaminated river sediments in plant nursing road construction CLEANSED - LIFE 12 ENV/IT/ Pisa, 03 Aprile 2014 RESULTS SAMPLE ID 1 Sabbioso- argilloso Media contaminazione 2Sabbioso Bassa contaminazione 3Argilla- limo Media contaminazione 4Incile 5Vasca 6Draga
Innovative integrated methodology for the use of decontaminated river sediments in plant nursing road construction CLEANSED - LIFE 12 ENV/IT/ Pisa, 03 Aprile 2014 RESULTS Sample ID %pass 2.0 mm %pass 0.4 mm %pass mm LL LP15n.d IP12n.d IG Water content (%) Classificazione CNR UNI A2-6A2-4A7-6 A6A4 Organic components Yes/NoNoYesYes/NoYes