SILABUS MATA KULIAH PENGOLAHAN MAKANAN Jurusan : KEPARIWISATAAN Prodi : DI PERHOTELAN Peminatan : PERHOTELAN Tahun ajaran : 2018/2019 PERTEMUANMATERIKETERANGAN 1Organisasi Dapur ( struktur organisasi, tata letak&alur kerja, klasifikasi dapur ) 2Sanitasi Makanan ( pembelian, penerimaan, penyimpanan, persiapan pengolahan, penyelidikan keracunan makanan, sanitasi pengolahan) 3Pengetahuan Dasar Memasak ( Cooking by Dry Heat Method & Moist Heat Method ) 4Cooking with Fat 5Pengetahuan Dasar Tentang Menu 6Pengetahuan Kitchen Equipment & Utensil 7Dry Practice
ORGANISASI DAPUR 1.Strukur organisasi 2.Tata letak dan alur kerja 3.Klasifikasi dapur, fungsi & ruang lingkup pekerjaan serta hubungan kerja.
ORGANIZATION CHART The way a kitchen is organized depends on several factors : 1.The menu _ the kinds of dishes to be produced obviously determine the jobs that must be done. 2.The type of estabilishment _ hotels, institutional kitchens, private clubs, catering and banquet services, fast-food restaurants, carry-out or take-out food facilities, full-service restaurants 3.The size of the operations _ the number of customers and the volume of food served 4.The physical facilities, including the equipment in use.
The classical brigade Chef Chef de cuisine Sous chef Station chefs (saucier, poissonier, entremetier, rôtisseur, garde manger, pâtissier, tournant, expediter ) Cooks and assistants
Organization classical brigade Executive Chef Chef de Cuisine Sous Chef SaucierCookAssistantPoissonierCookAssistantEntrementierCookAssistantRottiesurCookAssistantGrillardinCookAssistant Garde manger CookAssistantPatissierCookAssistantTournantCookAssistantExpediterCookAssistant Sumber : Gisslen, Professional Cooking
Job Description Executive chef food production menu planning purchasing costing planning work schedules, Hiring and training. Chef de Cuisine many departments (for example, a formal dining room, a casual dining room, and a catering department), or if it has several unitsin different locations, Sous Chefs ( soo chefs ) sous chef (soo shef) is directly in charge of production and works as the assistant to the executive chef or chef de cuisine.
Station chefs/ chefs de partie (are in charge of particular areas of production) The roast cook, or rôtisseur (ro-tee-sur) prepares roasted and braised meats and their gravies and broils meats and other items to order The pantry chef, or garde manger (gard mawn- zhay) responsible for cold foods including salads and dressings, pâtés, cold hors d’oeuvres, and buffet items The pastry chef, or pâtissier (pa-tees- syay prepares pastries and desserts
Station chefs/ chefs de partie (are in charge of particular areas of production) The sauce chef, or saucier (so-see-ay) prepares sauces, stews, hot hors d’oeuvres, and sautés foods to order. The fish cook or poissonier (pwah-so- nyay) prepares fish dishes The vegetable cook, or entremetier (awn-truh-met-yay) prepares vegetables, soups, starches, and eggs.
Station chefs/ chefs de partie (are in charge of particular areas of production) The relief cook, swing cook, or tournant (toor- nawn) replaces other station heads The expediter, or aboyeur (ah-bwa-yer) accepts orders from waiters and passes them on to the cooks on the line. Cooks and assistants in each station or department help with the duties assigned to them
Organization Modern Kitchen As you can see, only a large establishment needs a staff like the classical brigade just described. In fact, some large hotels have even larger staffs, with other positions such as separate day and night sous chefs, assistant chef, banquet chef, butcher, baker, and so on. Most modern operations, on the other hand, are smaller than this. The size of the classical brigade may be reduced simply by combining two or more positions where the workload allows it. For example, the second cook may combine the duties of the sauce cook, fish cook, soup cook, and vegetable cook. A typical medium-size operation may employ a chef, a second cook, a broiler cook, a pantry cook, and a few cooks’ helpers.
Tata Letak & Alur Kerja PersiapanPengolahan Penyajian /plating Penghidangan Pembelian Barang Penyimpanan Barang
KLASIFIKASI DAPUR ( fungsi & ruang lingkup pekerjaan serta hubungan kerja.) Conventional Kitchen_ dapur biasa Combine Preparation and Fishing Kitchen_ dapur kombinasi antara persiapan & penyelesaian Sparated Preparation and Finishing Kitchens_ dapur yg dipisahkan antara bagian persiapan dan penyelesaian Convenience Food Kitchen_ dapur khusus untuk makanan jadi
Standards of Professionalism Positive Attitude Toward the Job_ sikap yang baik Staying Power_ bersemangat Ability to Work with People_ mampu bekerjasama Eagerness to Learn _ keinginan untuk belajar A Full Range of Skills_ menguasai dibidang khusus Experience_ berpengalaman Dedication to Quality_ berorientasi pada kualitas Good Understanding of the Basics_ paham pengetahuan dasar
SANITASI MAKANAN “ Sanitasi makanan merupakan hal yang sangat penting diketahui dan tidak dapat diabaikan bagi seorang manager atau pengelola yang bergerak dibidang pengolahan makanan ( food production ) “
Dampak sanitasi yang kurang baik Keracunan makanan oleh bacteria Keracunan makanan oleh bahan kimia
3 unsur penting dalam sanitasi makanan Bahan makanan Peralatan Manusia
Purchasing_pembelian bahan Supplier terpercaya yang memenuhi unsur hygiene & sanitasi Bahan daging fresh harus memenuhi unsur : –Berasal dari rumah potong hewan berizin –Untuk produk susu ( dairy products) harus dibeli dari perusahaan berizin –Daging carcas dibeli memilik cap dari depkes
Receiving _ penerimaan barang Kondisi alat trasportasi harus bersih dan hygieneis Memeriksa standar kualitas bahan yg diterima Mewaspadai tanda tanda makanan yang mengalami kerusakan Hindari bahan makanan yg tdk sepenuhnya beku
Storing_ penyimpanan PENTING : pisahkan antara bahan makanan mentah ( raw food ) dan bahan makanan yg matang ( cooked food ) Dry store, temperatur 21°c Frozen Foods, temperatur -18°c s/d -40°c Penyimpanan daging jangka pendek, temperatur 3°c s/d 5°c Penyimapanan ikan jangka pendek, temperatur 0°c s/d 3°c Dairy product, temperatur 3°c s/d 5°c Buah & sayur, temperatur 5°c - 8°c Selalu gunakan sistem FiFo & FeFo
Persiapan pengolahan makanan. bahan beku ( beef, fish, chicken & vegetable ) Thawing Menggunakan microwave Hindari bahan thawing untuk dibekukan lagi Thawing yang berulang menimbulkan penurunan kualitas