Bent Male Organ Problems: Why They Happen and How to Cope


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Presentation transcript:

Bent Male Organ Problems: Why They Happen and How to Cope

It sounds like a Dr. Seuss book, but some men have male organs that go straight and others upward. Some go right, others go left, and a few like to look at their shoes. Bent male organs aren’t at all unusual and most times aren’t a cause for concern unless there’s a medical problem or pain involved. Here are a few common bent male organ problems and how to work with the curve.

What Causes a Bent Male Organ? When a man becomes sensually aroused, blood flows into sponge-like spaces inside of it, expanding the area and making it stiff. A bent male organ generally happens when these spaces don't swell evenly. Usually, this can just be chalked up to a man’s unique anatomy, but on occasion one of these other reasons below may be to blame. 1) Peyronie’s Disease – The number one cause of curvature of the member is Peyronie’s Disease. Up to 23 percent of men 40 and over are affected by this lesser discussed disorder. Peyronie’s is a condition in which the member bends in any direction at an angle of 30 degrees or more. It is caused when collagen plaques form on the connective tissue around the spongy interior of the male organ. This can make getting firm and sensual activity quite painful. It’s recommended to see a doctor as soon as the condition is noticed for a full consult and treatment options.

2) Member Injury – Working out too much, too hard, or too long can injure the member downstairs. PS – Intimacy is also a workout. Things like too much self-gratification or use of adult intimacy enhancers like rings and member enlargement pumps can also injure the member. If there’s intense pain, see a doctor immediately. For dull pain or discomfort, give it a rest and use a cool compress to see if it helps. If not, head to the doc. 3) Born This Way -- Almost 20 percent of men are born with a bent male organ. Newborn babies may have an abnormality called chordee, in which bands of collagen in the male organ are pulled, resulting in a curvature of the member. The condition can be corrected surgically.

4) Autoimmune disorders – In those with autoimmune disorders, the immune system attacks cells of the member. Results of the attack can include inflammation and scarring, which then leads to a curvature of the member. Some medications, like beta blockers, used to treat autoimmune disorders have been shown to cause additional curvature in some patients. Common examples of these type of diseases include: - Rheumatoid Arthritis - Lupus - Multiple Sclerosis - Vasculitis

Bent Male Organ: Treatment and Care When working with a bent member, learn to respect and love what’s there. If the curve is a result of a medical condition, treat the condition first and work with a medical professional to find creative ways to express and enjoy intimacy. Potentially see a medical professional with an expertise in sensual function for the best ways to enjoy pain-free intimacy with a bent male organ. A sense of adventure and clear communication are necessary for any successful journey.

Maintaining a good grooming schedule is also key to keeping a bent male organ happy. Clean daily and thoroughly with a gentle cleanser. After cleansing the skin, apply a specially formulated male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) to keep the skin moisturized and supple. Nutrient creams that are designed specifically for the male organ should contain ingredients such as vitamins A, C, D, and E because they are important for cellular turnover, skin strengthening, and keeping bacteria at bay. In addition, men should look for a product containing a natural moisturizer such as Shea butter, which conditions and rejuvenates the skin.