NATIONAL WATER RESOURCES INFRASTRUCTURE (NWRI) STRATEGIC BRANDING Presented by: Candice Williams Communications Manager: NWRI Date: 12 December
Compulsory Briefing Session NWRI: STRATEGIC BRANDING NWRI: MANDATE The Department of Water Affairs of the Republic of South Africa through the National Water Resources Infrastructure Branch (NWRIB) strives to ensure a reliable supply of water from water resources infrastructure, with acceptable risk, to meet sustainable national, regional, social, economic and environmental objectives for all South African citizens. While achieving this, the NWRIB will solicit and source funding to implement, operate and maintain water resources infrastructure in an efficient and effective manner. The Department through the NWRIB also aims to provide bulk raw water through world-class water resources infrastructure towards the sustainable socio-economic development of South Africa. The management of existing water resources infrastructure, including the construction of new infrastructure will increase the capacity for water security and availability. 2
PROJECT BACKGROUND The NWRIB is part of government, which is a brand that reflects the ideals of our South African democracy. This should be reflected in every aspect of how we conduct our business, in our contact with people and the appearance of the institution and staff. In most of the infrastructure sites and offices, signage items still carry the old logo, which includes Forestry (the then DWAF) and some have old government emblems used pre Some signage items are faded, broken, vandalised or outdated. Changes to the Government Corporate Identity require that all government departments comply with the correct application of the National Coat-of-Arms. With the above in mind, the NWRIB needs to rebrand, traversing its entire scope of operations/clusters and construction sites by implementing the correct application of the National Coat of Arms as prescribed by the National Government Corporate Identity Guidelines 3
NWRI: STRUCTURE DDG CD: Construction Management Construction East Construction Central Construction South Construction North Construction West CD: Infrastructure Development CD: Operations Eastern Operations Central Operations Southern Operations Northern Operations CD: Engineering Services Strategic Support 4
CHIEF DIRECTORATE OPERATIONS The strategic purpose of the Operations component of NWRI Branch is to ensure that the bulk water resource infrastructure is operated and maintained in a safe and sustainable manner. To rehabilitate and refurbish the infrastructure to provide an effective and efficient supply of bulk raw water for economic growth, social development and poverty eradication. Operational Clusters: Eastern Operations: KwaZulu Natal Central Operations: Gauteng, Free State and the Northern Cape Southern Operations: Eastern and Western Cape Northern Operations: North West, Mpumalanga and Limpopo (Hartbeespoort, Groblesdal and Tzaneen) 5
CHIEF DIRECTORATE: CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT The Chief Directorate Construction Management is responsible for the construction, rehabilitation, refurbishment and maintenance of National Water Resource Infrastructure, in order to ensure a sustainable supply of water to meet the social and economic needs of the people of South Africa Construction Units: Construction South, based in Paarl, is responsible for the implementation of projects in the southern part of the country. Construction East, based in Standerton, is responsible for the implementation of projects in the eastern part of the country. Construction West, based in Steelport, is responsible for the implementation of projects in the central part of the country. Construction North, based in Tzaneen, is responsible for the implementation of projects in the northern part of the country. Construction Central, based in Jan Kempdorp, is the Central Construction Workshop servicing all construction units. 7