DEPUTY ASSISTANT SECRETARY of DEFENSE for RESERVE AFFAIRS (Materiel and Facilities) Reserve Component Joint Construction Efficiency Study OUTBRIEF September
ASD(RA) M & F Background Purpose of the Joint Construction Study: Verify a realistic range of MILCON savings Provide tangible evidence of Joint Construction cost savings Provide strong incentive for more RC Joint Construction 2
ASD(RA) M & F Background Focus: BRAC 2005 Armed Forces Reserve Center (AFRC) projects Most recent and largest number of Joint Construction projects AFRCs include two or more RC units combining space and functional requirements Over 125 AFRC facilities directed by BRAC 2005 (34 AFRCs considered in this study) 3
ASD(RA) M & F The Results Economic Findings: Joint construction achieved 28% cost savings compared to unilateral construction Life cycle Joint facility operational costs are 32% lower than unilateral Readiness Implications : Joint construction had negligible impact on readiness/end-strength 4
ASD(RA) M & F The Results Best Practice Findings: Consolidating unit facilities with similar missions achieve best efficiency (i.e. BRAC 2005 directed AFRCs) Optimizes mission pairing and unit location Operationally efficient Clearly defined/rigid funding processes offer best opportunity for successfully executing a Joint Construction project 5
ASD(RA) M & F Challenges offer Opportunities CHALLENGEOPPORTUNITY Fiscal LimitationsIncentive for OSD / Services to give joint projects higher priority/funding Future BRAC rounds focused on closure Unit / Mission Consolidation and potential AFRCs USAF Force Structure changesMore Associate Units will drive facility requirements, and Joint construction candidates ARNG Readiness Ctr Master Plan Implementation Final investment strategy could yield Joint Construction candidates 6
ASD(RA) M & F Proposed Way Forward Advocate Joint Construction as viable strategy to meet DoD MILCON requirements Future ASD/RA Congressional testimony Include as part of NGRER & QDR; seek RFPB added focus Legislative proposal - Joint MILCON account/FYDP Engage RC Stakeholders : RC Engineers, RC Chiefs, USD Comptroller, and DUSD (I&E) RC Programmers / USD Comptroller Establish new RC Joint Construction Working Group (JCWG) 7