TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Demography Statistics Department Population and Migration Statistics Group 1
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Demography Statistics Department Population and Migration Statistics Group POPULATION FIGURES OF TURKEY 3
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Demography Statistics Department Population and Migration Statistics Group Data Sources for Population Statistics 4
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Demography Statistics Department Population and Migration Statistics Group Administrative Divisions Population (2014 ABPRS) Surface Area (km 2 ) Density (per km 2 ) Turkey 81 provinces, 970 districts NUTS-1, 26 NUTS-2 Regions (Statistically) 5
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Demography Statistics Department Population and Migration Statistics Group Population Size of Provinces Ankara (Central) Pop: İzmir Pop: İstanbul Pop:
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Demography Statistics Department Population and Migration Statistics Group Population & P.Projections 7
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Demography Statistics Department Population and Migration Statistics Group HISTORY OF POPULATION CENSUSES IN TURKEY 8
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Demography Statistics Department Population and Migration Statistics Group Population Censuses in Turkey History first census in 1927, second census in 1935, every five years between , last traditional census in 2000 Totally 14 traditional population censuses. Method Traditional census method (face to face interview), Standard questionnaire, De facto population census definition, One day application with national curfew (no permission go out). 9
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Demography Statistics Department Population and Migration Statistics Group Population Censuses in Turkey Main Problems No information on usual residence (de jure), Over-counting (imaginary) population, High cost Duration of data processing around 3.5 years, Restricted questions because of the one-day application, Information on population size and their characteristics available within ten-year interval. 10
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Demography Statistics Department Population and Migration Statistics Group Target Changing the system from traditional census to register-based census Establishing an address based population registration system and changing the census methodology from traditional to register based. 11
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Demography Statistics Department Population and Migration Statistics Group ADDRESS BASED POPULATION REGISTRATION SYSTEM (ABPRS) 12
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Demography Statistics Department Population and Migration Statistics Group Purposes of the ABPRS To define an address standard Standardized numbering and signboarding Central address database (NAD) full coverage… Covering all people place of residence… 13
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Demography Statistics Department Population and Migration Statistics Group Address MERNIS-Personal Information ABPRS WHAT IS ADDRESS BASED POPULATION REGISTRATION SYSTEM? MATCHED * personal information from MERNIS * addresses from NAD (By TR-ID numbers) Unique code was given to each address. 14
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Demography Statistics Department Population and Migration Statistics Group Changes of address components Burned and Demolished Buildings Construction Forms (new buildings) Changes of administrative units Use of the agencies Birth, death, marriage, divorce Changes of usual residence address Controlling the notification of the changes Use for the services Border changes of a settlement Constructing new residential areas Increasing the consciousness ABPRS NAD MERNIS Updating the System 15
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Demography Statistics Department Population and Migration Statistics Group Improvement Studies on the ABPRS Registers Topic Registers which are disseminated on the TurkStat website Registers which are studied on National Education Statistics Database (NESD)+ Marital Status+ Internal Migration+ Place of Registration+ Place of Birth + Relationship Between Household Members & Family Types + 16
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Demography Statistics Department Population and Migration Statistics Group Dissemination News release every January, Databases through the web-site of TurkStat, Annual publications, CD. 17
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Demography Statistics Department Population and Migration Statistics Group 2011 Population And Housing Census Turkey has conducted a census in 2011 in the scope of the 2010 World Population and Housing Census Programme. In this round, Turkey changed the (traditional) census methodology, and at first time; used the population registers, applied a census according to the de jure population definition, conducted a census with the 2-3 month field application instead of one-day application. 19
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Demography Statistics Department Population and Migration Statistics Group Purpose To obtain information that are not available in the ABPRS and other administrative registers or can not obtained from regular household surveys in province and district level. Such as labor force, characteristics of buildings and dwellings, migration characteristics, etc. Legal base The Official Statistics Program of TurkStat, and in line with EU Requirements Why did we need a census ? 20
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Demography Statistics Department Population and Migration Statistics Group Methodology of the Census Combined method; by using population registers and by conducting register based large-scaled sampling survey In the design of the census, registers were used priorly; to obtain population count and age-sex distribution of the population, to construct an address frame 21
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Demography Statistics Department Population and Migration Statistics Group 2000 PC2011 PHC MethodTraditionalCombined Definition for residency rule De-factoDe-jure Duration of field application One day application with a national curfew 2-3 month QuestionnaireStandardHousehold + Institutional Places Collection methodPAPIPAPI and CAPI Data entryICROnline data transfer for CAPI, Web-based program for PAPI # of staff1 million vs 2011 PC 22
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Demography Statistics Department Population and Migration Statistics Group Scope of the 2011 PHC Register based large-scaled sampling survey For households, enumeration areas were selected (11,7%) as sample of the study, from enumeration areas in total. Complete enumeration of institutional places Turkish Citizens and foreigners living in the country were covered. Foreigners found in the country for less than 6 months during the field application and Turkish Citizens living abroad were not covered. 23
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Demography Statistics Department Population and Migration Statistics Group Household Application Application in Institutional Places Controlling the individual registers in ABPRS Interview with households (Netbook+paper based questionnaire) Interview with households (Netbook+paper based questionnaire) Application of questionnaires (paper based questionnaire) Application of questionnaires (paper based questionnaire) Stage 1. Controlling the addresses Stage Population and Housing Survey Field Application, October-December, 2011 Stage Population and Housing Survey Field Application, October-December, 2011 Controlling the addresses in sample enumeration areas September, 2011 Controlling the addresses in sample enumeration areas September, 2011 Controlling the addresses of institutional places April-July, 2011 Controlling the addresses of institutional places April-July, 2011 Stages Of The Field Operation 24
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Demography Statistics Department Population and Migration Statistics Group The number of field staff was less than Advantages in terms of budget, quality of staff, controlling the field operation and logistics. Netbook usage(CAPI) cross checks between answers at the time of interview increased data quality Netbook usage time efficiency By the online data transfer enumerators sent data to the main system, field application can be monitored daily through central web based system Advantages of the Methodology 25
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Demography Statistics Department Population and Migration Statistics Group The first time to use this methodology: a challenge in terms of lacking of experience Data collection period is quite long (2-3 months): the gap between the reference date increased Finding the addresses in the field: still a problem that NAD is not updated regularly by the municipalities Disadvantages of the Methodology 26
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Demography Statistics Department Population and Migration Statistics Group 2011 PHC Questionnaire was prepared considering: UNECE Recommendations EUROSTAT Regulations National needs Previous censuses (as possible to ensure the comparability) Results of pre-tests and pilot studies (learnt lessons from preparatory works regarding the efficiency and applicability of questions) How Content of the 2011 PHC Questionnaire was Generated? 27
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Demography Statistics Department Population and Migration Statistics Group First Results.. 28
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Demography Statistics Department Population and Migration Statistics Group Publication of the 2011 PHC (province level) was presented to users via Internet in September 10, Publication
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Demography Statistics Department Population and Migration Statistics Group Microdata has been presented to usage via our institutional data research center, in The results have been used for thematic publications (Gender Statistics, Elderly, Children etc.) Results are presented on the official web site. Data requests of offical and non-official users (ministries etc.) have been met. (Labour force, disability, fertility by labour force of women etc.) Dissemination
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Demography Statistics Department Population and Migration Statistics Group TARGETS FOR THE NEXT CENSUS 31
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Demography Statistics Department Population and Migration Statistics Group Main goal is changing the system from combined method to completely register based census. But until achieving this goal we intent to: Improve the system by using more registers than 2011 PHC (both for quality cheques and directly producing statistics) Make use of GIS technologies Using data of regular household surveys by combining them with related registers Preparations for the next round has been started in Targets 32
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Demography Statistics Department Population and Migration Statistics Group A European Research Council (ERC) funded project ( ) Applied by Goldsmiths College (University of London) Investigating the changes in the applications of NSOs while producing official statistics. EuroStat, UNECE and 5 NSOs: ONS (UK), Statistics Estonia, Statistics Finland, Statistics Netherlands TurkStat (2011 PHC & 2021 Census) ARITHMUS Project
TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Demography Statistics Department Population and Migration Statistics Group Thank you for your attention… 34