Integrated approach of yoga therapy (IAYT) for Cancer Participant
Introduction Group of disease in which the cell in the body grow and divide in an uncontrolled manner to produce abnormal cell. (WHO, 2010) Cancer is characterized by: Genetic mutation Lack of cell maturation (differentiation) Loss of normal cellular function Invasive behaviour and metastasis. ( Sw.nirmalananda,2009) Have to ability to infiltrate and destroy normal cell tissue.
Cause: Mutations Cancer is caused by changes (mutations) to the DNA within cells. The DNA inside a cell is packaged into a large number of individual genes, each of which contains a set of instructions telling the cell what functions to perform, as well as how to grow and divide. Errors in the instructions can cause the cell to stop its normal function and may allow a cell to become cancerous.
What do gene mutations do? Allow rapid growth(Oncogenes) Fail to stop uncontrolled cell growth(TSG) Make mistakes when repairing DNA errors(MRG) What causes gene mutations? Gene mutations you're born with Gene mutations that occur after birth(Carcinogens)
Role of Genes OncogenesNormal growth MutationsAbnormal growth Cancer Cell Tumour Suppressor genes Mutations Recognize the abnormal cell Lost the ability to damaged abnormal growth of cell Cancer cell
Cont. Detect and correct DNA abnormality during Replication Mismatch Repair Genes MutationsFail to detection and correction Abnormal cell will be continue Cancer cell
Normal cell Unidentified cause Carcinogen Mutation of 1-Oncogene, 2-TSG, 3-MRG Birth of cancer Strong immune system Week immune system Positive mental status Healthy life style Clear environment Poor nutrition & lifestyle Advancing age Chronic stress Negative mental state Likely to be destroyLikely multiply Restoration of the healthDevelop the cancer
Gene mutations that occur after birth Carcinogens (Cancer Agent)Yogic Point of view Lifestyle related factorSuppressed Emotions Use tobacco & excessive alcohol Unhealthy diet & Physical inactivity Malnutrition Food Chemicals Plastic manufacture Vicious patterns of thinking Environment factorNegative emotions Excess sunlight (UV radiation) Pollution Guilt, Frustration Biological Factor Advancing age Pharmaceutical drugs Viruses & Bacteria:- Revenge Hepatitis B virus (HBV) & Hepatitis C virus (HCV)Sadness Environmental exposure to radiation and chemicals Among infection human papilloma virus(HPV) Injurious
Role of Yoga Provide an environment with minimum carcinogens. Minimizing our exposure to these carcinogens. We try to minimize the occurrence growth. Recurrence of cancer. Helps to boost our immune system. Releasing stress. Creating a positive and stable positive frame of mind.
Statistics In World 14.1 million new cancer cases in Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide, accounting for 8.8 million deaths in The most common causes of cancer death are cancers of: Lung (1.69 million deaths) Liver ( deaths) Colorectal ( deaths) Stomach ( deaths) Breast ( deaths) Approximately 70% of deaths from cancer occur in low and middle income countries. (WHO,2018) (WHO,2016)
Statistics in India Estimated number of people living with the disease: around 3.6 million cases in Every year, new cancer patients registered: Over 7 lakh Cancer-related deaths: 5,56,400 Deaths in the age group between years Total: 3,95,400 (71% of all cancer related deaths) Men: 2,00,100 Women: 1,95,300 Cervical CancerBreast CancerOral Cancer New cases registered: 1,23,000 Deaths: 67,500 Median age: 38 years (age 21–67 years). New cases registered: 1,44,937 Deaths: 70,218 New cases registered: 77,003 Deaths: 52,067 (ICMR,2017)
Classification Carcinoma- arising from tissue called epithelial tissue. subdivided into squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma and adino-carcinoma. Sarcoma- Arising from connective tissue such as bone, cartilage, fat, muscle etc. Other example- Blood cancer (lucomniya), Lymphatic tissue cancer(lymphoma). (Sw. Nirmalananda, 2009)
Stages Stage1- cancer is small and contained within the organ is started. Stage2- larger than stage1,but the cancer has not started to spread into the surrounding tissue. Stage3- in this stage cancer become larger. It may have started to spread into surrounding tissue and there are cancer cells in the lymph nodes in the area. Stage4- in the last stage cancer has spread from where it started to spread to another body organ. (Naim Dangoor, 2017)
Signs and Symptoms Fatigue Weight changes, loss or gain Skin changes, such as yellowing, darkening or redness Persistent cough or trouble breathing Hoarseness Persistent indigestion or discomfort after eating Persistent, unexplained muscle or joint pain Persistent, unexplained fevers or night sweats Unexplained bleeding or bruising
Diagnosis S.noCancer nameDiagnosis 1Bladder cancerCystoscopy 2Brain cancerMagnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 3Breast cancerScreening mammogram 4Cervical cancerPap test 5Colorectal cancerColonoscopy 6Oesophageal cancerEndoscopy 7Kidney cancer Computerized tomography (CT) scan or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 8Leukaemia cancerBiopsy 9Liver cancer Computerized tomography (CT) scan and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) 10Lung cancerX-ray, Sputum cytology, biopsy
Diagnosis 11Melanoma cancerBiopsy 12Lymphoma cancerBiopsy 13Ovarian cancer Transvaginal ultrasound (TVUS) and the CA- 125 blood test 14Pancreatic cancer Computed tomography (CT) scans, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), endoscopic ultrasound (EUS), endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), laparoscopy and biopsy. 15Skin cancerSkin biopsy 16Thyroid cancer Biopsy, blood tests, ultrasound exam, radioiodine scan 17Uterine cancerPelvic examination, Pap test
Treatment Modern Medicine o Surgery (Cut) o Radiotherapy (Burn) o Chemotherapy (Poison) Palliative care Yoga Therapy Naturopathy Ayurveda Homeopathy
Introduction of IAYT Our personality is not just a physical body that we see; it is a made of 5 aspects- the Annamaya kosha, Pranamaya kosha, Manomaya kosha, Vijnanamaya kosha ans anandamaya kosha. Annamaya kosha: Diet, kriyas, exercise and asana are the techniques at the physical level. Pranamaya kosha: Breathing exercise, pranayama techniques. Manomaya kosha: Various kind of meditation such as MSRT, MEMT, Cyclic meditation, Om meditation etc. Vijnanamaya and Anandamaya kosha: Self analysis, happy assembly, Yogic counselling and karma yoga.
Cervical Cancer It’s occurs in the cells of the cervix — the lower part of the uterus that connects to the vagina. Various strains of the human papillomavirus (HPV), a sexually transmitted infection, play a role in causing most cervical cancer. o Vaginal bleeding after intercourse, between periods or after menopause. o Watery, bloody vaginal discharge that may be heavy and have a foul odor. o Pelvic pain or pain during intercourse.
Cervical Cancer : IAYT S.noIntervention ( उपचार / इलाज ) Practices ( अभ्यास ) Duration in minutes अवधि ( मिनटों में ) 01 Prayer and Nadanusandhana प्रार्थना और नादानुसंधाना 02 Warming up तैयारी / Loosening exercises ( हल्के व्यायाम ) Wrist rotation ( मणिबन्ध चक्र ) Hip Twisting ( कटि चक्र ) Knee joint movements ( जानु नमन ) 5 मिनट 03Relaxation Technique शिथिलीकरण तकनीक Instant Relaxation Technique तत्काल आराम तकनीक 2 मिनट 04Breathing exercises श्वासनीय अभ्यास Sectional breathing विभागीय श्वासन Yogic breathing योगिक श्वासन Hand in and out breathing सांस लेने समय हाथ अंदर और बाहर Tiger breathing टाईगर श्वासन 8 मिनट
Cervical Cancer : IAYT 05 Asanas आसन ( विभिन्न संयोजन ) Ardhakathi chakrasana अर्धकटि चक्रासन Ardha chakrasana अर्ध चक्रासन Padahasthana पादहस्तासन Butterfly stretch तितलीआसन Ardha Paschimothanasana अर्धपश्चिमोत्तानासन Uttana paadasana उत्तान पादासन Ardha Pavana Muktasana अर्ध पवन मुक्तासन Muktasana मुक्तासन Supta udarakarshanasana सुप्त उदराकर्षणासन Makarasana मकरासन Bhujangasana भुजंगासन 15 मिनट 06Relaxation Technique शिथिलीकरण तकनीक Quick relaxation technique शीघ्र विश्राम तकनीक 5 मिनट 07Pranayama प्राणायाम Cooling pranayama-: Shitali शीतली, Seetkari शीतकारी, sadanta सदंता Nadishodhana नाड़ीशोधन Bhramari भ्रामरी 10 मिनट 08Other अन्य Yogic counseling योगिक परामर्श Or MSRT एम. एस. आर. टी / cyclic meditation आवर्तन ध्यान 20 मिनट 09 Closing prayer with nadanusandhana प्रार्थना और नादानुसंधाना
Breast Cancer It’s that forms in the cells of the breasts, it’s most common after skin cancer. Symptoms for the most common breast cancers include: Breast pain, Redness, Pitted skin, Swelling, Nipple discharge other than breast milk. Bloody discharge, Peeling, Scaling or Flaking of skin on your nipple or breast. A sudden, unexplained change in the shape or size of your breast.
Breast Cancer : IAYT Intervention ( उपचार / इलाज ) Practices ( अभ्यास ) Duration in minutes अवधि ( मिनटों में ) 01 Prayer and Nadanusandhana प्रार्थना और नादानुसंधाना 02 Warming up तैयारी / Loosening exercises ( हल्के व्यायाम ) Neck movements ( ग्रीवा चक्रण ) {forward ( आगे ), Backward( पीछे ), rotation( घूर्णन ), sideward bending ( दाहिने और बायें )} Shoulder movements स्कंध चक्रण ( forward आगे & backward पीछे ) Wrist मणिबन्ध ( rotation घूर्णन, assisted stretching खिंचाव and finger movements अंगुली शक्ति ) Elbow कोहनी ( flexion मोड़ना & extension फैलाव, pronation औंधी स्थिति & supination अवपंचन ) Waist कटि चक्र ( rotation चक्रण, bending si- deways( दाहिने और बायें ) Leg पाद चक्र (knee rotation जानु चक्र, flexion मोड़ कर & extension फैला कर, Aankle joint movements गुल्फ चक्रण एवं घूर्णन ) 5 मिनट 03Relaxation Technique शिथिलीकरण तकनीक Instant Relaxation Technique तत्काल आराम तकनीक 2 मिनट 04Breathing exercises श्वासनीय व्यायाम Hand stretch breathing हाथ खिंचकर सांस लेना Hand in and out breathing सांस लेने समय हाथ अंदर और बाहर Sectional breathing विभागीय श्वासन 3 मिनट
Breast Cancer : IAYT 05Asanas आसन Ardhakathi chakrasana अर्ध कटि चक्रासन Ardha chakrasana अर्ध चक्रासन Pavana mukthsana पवन मुक्तासन Sethubhadhasana सेतु बंधासन Vakrasana वक्रासन Shavasana शवासन 15 मिनट 06Relaxation Technique शिथिलीकरण तकनीक Quick relaxation technique शीघ्र विश्राम तकनीक 5 मिनट 07Pranayama प्राणायाम Yogic Breathing योगिक श्वासन Nadishodhana नाड़ीशोधन Bhramari भ्रामरी Sheetali शीतली Sheetkari शीतकारी 10 मिनट 08Other अन्य Yogic counseling योगिक परामर्श MSRT एम. एस. आर. टी Cyclic meditation आवर्तन ध्यान ( excluding other practices अन्य अभ्यासों को छोड़कर ) alternate days एक छोड़कर दिन 20 मिनट 09 Closing prayer with nadanusandhana प्रार्थना और नादानुसंधाना
Head and Neck (Oral) Cancer It is usually begin in the squamous cells that line the moist, mucosal surfaces inside the head and neck. Cancers of the head and neck are further categorized by the area are described below: o Oral cavity, Pharynx, Larynx, Paranasal sinuses and nasal cavity, Salivary glands. Head and neck cancers are also diagnosed more often among people over age 50 than they are among younger people. Researchers estimated that more than 65,000 men and women in this country would be diagnosed with head and neck cancers in 2017.
Head and Neck Cancer : IAYT S.noIntervention ( उपचार / इलाज ) Practices ( अभ्यास ) Duration in minutes अवधि ( मिनटों में ) 01 Prayer and Nadanusandhana प्रार्थना और नादानुसंधाना 02Graded Warming up श्रेणीबद्ध तैयारी / Loosening exercises ( हल्के व्यायाम ) Jaw exercises ( जबड़ा के व्यायाम ) Neck exercises ( ग्रीवा चक्र ) Shoulder exercises with stretching स्कंध चक्र ( खिचाव के साथ ) Arm rotation and loosening exercises ( हाथ चक्र के व्यायाम ) Sideward bending ( किनारे झुकने ) 8 मिनट 03Relaxation Technique शिथिलीकरण तकनीक Instant Relaxation Technique तत्काल आराम तकनीक 3 मिनट 04Breathing exercises श्वासनीय अभ्यास Sectional breathing with awareness सजगता के साथ विभागीय श्वासन Yogic breathing योगिक श्वासन Hand in and out breathing सांस लेने समय हाथ अंदर और बाहर Hand stretch breathing हाथ खिंचकर सांस लेना Ankle stretch breathing टखने खिंचकर सांस लेना 8 मिनट
Head and Neck Cancer : IAYT 05Asanas आसन Kathi chakrasana कटि चक्रासन Ardhakathi chakrasana अर्धक्टि चक्रासन Vakrasana वक्रासन Gomukhasana गोमुखासन Pavana mukthsana पवन मुक्तासन Sethubhadhasana सेतुबन्धासन 8 मिनट 06Relaxation Technique शिथिलीकरण तकनीक Quick relaxation technique शीघ्र विश्राम तकनीक 5 मिनट 07Pranayama प्राणायाम Cooling pranayama-: Sadanta सदन्ता Ujjayi उज्यायी Nadishodhana नाड़ीशोधन Bhramari भ्रामरी 8 मिनट 08Other अन्य Yogic counseling योगिक परामर्श Or MSRT एम. एस. आर. टी / cyclic meditation आवर्तन ध्यान 20 मिनट 09 Closing prayer with nadanusandhana प्रार्थना और नादानुसंधाना