Male Organ Odor and Diet: 5 Types of Foods that Can Up the Stink Factor


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Presentation transcript:

Male Organ Odor and Diet: 5 Types of Foods that Can Up the Stink Factor

At the end of a romantic evening, as two people are undressing each other, the last thing a man wants is for something to happen to spoil the mood – and send his partner fleeing away from the awaiting bed. But that can be the outcome when removing a man’s underwear fills the space with an unwanted and frankly repellent male organ odor. This too- common problem can come about for many reasons. For example, often the foods a man eats have an impact on the degree of male organ odor he presents.

Not just foods It’s not only diet that accounts for rank male organ odor, of course. There can be many causes. For example, poor hygiene – not washing enough or not using soap when washing – can account for that aroma. So can some medical conditions, such as diabetes, or some medications which interact with the body in a way to “stink up” the sweat that accumulates around the manhood. But even so, the foods a man eats can play a big role, and so changing one’s diet may be a good way to help address this issue.

Which foods? The problem is that everybody is different, and each man’s body metabolizes different foods differently. And to make matters more confusing, a guy may metabolize food one way in one instance and another way in another instance, due to factors like time of day, time of year, level of hydration, other foods eaten at the same time, stress levels, etc. Still, there are some foods that in general are associated with body odor (and therefore with male organ odor), and so the following are some food option which men may want to avoid if they are trying to bring a male organ odor condition under control.

Cruciferous vegetables. Cruciferous vegetables is the name given to the family of vegetables that includes broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, kale, and bok choy, among others. These are great vegetables with many important health benefits, but eating too much of them may not be a good thing, male organ odor-wise. The main reason is because they contain some sulfur in them, and sulfuric smells are especially unpleasant. If a guy funds that his body metabolizes these vegetables in a manner resulting in an unpleasant scent, he may want to go easy on them a couple of days before an important date. Red meat. Although red meat provides lots of protein, it also is hard to digest. More enzymes are used to break it down, which then leave the body through the sweat glands in greater numbers, creating a potential aromatic emergency.

Fish. Many women characterize male organ odor as having a fishy smell – and if a guy eats a lot of fish, that may be why. Fish contain trimethylamine, which some people have difficulty metabolizing properly. The result is that a strong fishy odor may cling to these people – and that can be a big turn-off when the pants come off. Spicy foods. Spice can really add zest to a meal, but those spices which raise the body temperature may also increase the amount of sweat pouring into the crotch – and the resulting odor. Alcohol. A glass of wine or two usually won’t matter, but people who drink large amounts of alcohol frequently carry the scent of their drinks around with them on their body – including their member, if they are male.

Monitoring foods helps fight male organ odor, but so does regularly applying a first rate male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Not every male organ health crème will help, however. Try to find one that includes vitamin A. Also known as retinol, vitamin A not only flights blemishes on manhood skin, it also possesses antibacterial properties that actively help fight persistent male organ odor. The crème should also include moisturizing agents, such as vitamin E and shea butter, as dry cracked member skin can become a gathering place for odor-causing bacteria.