e-Construction Group website 1
Main page Add new pictures (innovative constructions) Update the group picture 2
People menu Update information (photo, resume, , website, etc) I'll send an asking for it Who will be added/removed? 3
Event menu Update information (Seminar Spring 2013, etc) Change the size and color of the title of the event to better identify it. Will we update the abstract/presentation? 4
Research menu Review information Add other representative publication under each research topic Add link for each item 5
Project menu Update information (research papers published most recently) Review / add link for each item 6
Student Resources menu Review information Add other representative journals, association and companies Review / add link for each item 7
Calendar menu Add a new menu: Calendar (Google calendar) Putting future events, deadline for submission journals, conferences, etc. When the event was done, add it in Event menu 8
Sugestions???? 9