Lob’s Girl – page Reread page 94. What do you learn about Lob’s appearance and behavior? Why are these details important? Reread page 95. What is Sandy’s condition when Lob first gets inside the hospital? What does Lob do to let Sandy know he is there? How does Lob’s presence affect Sandy? Read page 96. Mr. Pengelly tells Mrs. Pearce what happened to Lob. How do those details explain aspects of Lob’s appearance and behavior at the hospital? How does Lob’s last journey prove his loyalty to Sandy?
Lob’s Girl - Activities Reading Comprehension: page 97 Answer questions #1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 7. Write complete sentences #6 – draw the diagram Vocabulary Practice: page 98 Answer in complete sentences Example: 1. If a person is about to erupt, that person is _______________. Work with a partner at your table to label examples of each type of figurative language. Write example and give page number.