TIGER PROGRAM LESSONS LEARNED Great PA/NJ Regional Trail Projects Presentation to the Circuit Coalition May 15, 2014 Chris Stanford, P.E., PTOE, PMP Michael Baker Jr., Inc.
Introduction/Background PEC sponsored effort to improve the process Baker involved with 4 Tiger projects Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) grant program $17.2 Million in funding for 7 projects in Philadelphia
Projects Schuylkill River Trail 1. Shawmont Ave to Montgomery County line 2. Walnut Street Gateway 3. CSX Pedestrian Bridge 4. Boardwalk from Locust St. to South St. 5. Bartrams Garden East Coast Greenway th St. Connector from Bartrams Garden to Cobbs Creek Trail 7. Delaware Ave./Allegheny Ave. to Lewis St.
Time Analysis Typical PennDOT Project Development Process: Categorical Clearance Evaluation (CEE) Scoping Field View Safety Review Approval Preliminary Engineering CEE Approval Final Design Engineering Final Plans, Specifications & Estimate (PS&E) Bid Letting
Time Analysis Environmental Clearance Duration (CEE SFV to CEE approval) Average = 1.8 years Overall Design Duration (CEE SFV to Let Date) Average = 3.2 years Factors Affecting Schedule Acquisition of Federal / State Funds Environmental Clearance PennDOT Review/Approval process Completion of Railroad Agreements
Acquisition of Federal/State Funds (i.e. TAP or PennDOT Multimodal) Positive – Supply 70% -100% Construction funding Negative – Federal Highway oversight, Federal requirements - Requires PennDOT Requirements and Approvals - 30% match or all pre-construction costs
Environmental Clearance Historic / Cultural Resource Reviews Identify potential historic/cultural resources early (i.e. parks, historic properties/ structures over 50 years old, etc.) Recommendations: Use CRGIS (crgis.state.pa.org) to identify resources in area Identify in RFP Gather required data and provide to PennDOT prior to SFV meeting
Railroad Agreements Issue: Can delay construction by several months due to required railroad agreements Recommendation: Start coordination early in process (after SFV meeting) Utilize PUC staff
Lessons Learned - City Specific Recommendations Curb Line Changes - City Plan Change and curb stakes Sidewalk Bicycling Ordinance – submission/approval by PCPC & DOS Curb Extensions – DOS requires geometry and grading plans Recommendations: Include above in Scope of Work
Traffic Signals Issue: Scope of improvements changed late in design process. ADA requirements changed scope late in the process Recommendations: Early field meeting with PennDOT, City design, maintenance and construction staff to determine improvements Identify ADA improvements earlier in process
Overlapping/Adjacent Projects Issue: PennDOT resurfacing projects and adjacent private projects result in redesign and extra coordination Recommendations: Identify adjacent projects and work out work limits prior to construction, if possible Contact the City, Municipalities and/or PennDOT to identify resurfacing and private projects in the area
City / PennDOT Coordination Issue: Separate plan submissions / separate review comments. Recommendations: Combined meetings / conference calls with PennDOT and City reviewers Consolidated review comments
Project Management Recommendations Scope of work Scope contracts in separate parts (i.e. preliminary and final design) Environmental Include scope for Cultural / Historic research in RFP or use PennDOT open end contacts Consultant selection Include PennDOT prequalification as a selection criteria Funding Use 15%-25% of estimated construction cost for reqd design funding Consider a contingency fund Inflation of construction costs For grants/funding request, add 1%-3% yearly inflation for construction costs
Project Management Recommendations Surveying Include $10K-25K per mile for field survey work Construction Management/Construction Inspection costs Include 10%-17% for CM/CI in cost estimates Construction phase services Include construction phase services in design contract Railroad and PUC coordination Include considerable design and construction costs for projects crossing RR tracks
Conclusion TIGER, TAP, Multimodal projects will have a tremendous positive impact on regional trail network Recommendations are designed to streamline and improve the project development process Contact Info: Chris Stanford